Chapter 2

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It's been couple of day since i became a lvl 2 and the hole Orario went into panic for some reason. It seems i broke the record for fastest one to reach lvl 2. Also soon Denatus was coming so i guess my name will be decided there or at least that is what Astrea-sama said. So as i finished with my adventuring today i went home to wait for Astraea-sama.

Astraea pov:

I was now here on my first Denatus and my child was going to get named. I was really nervous what if they give him something stupid. Maybe everything is going to be ok.

As the Denatus begun we talking, we talked about many different things but then the naming ceremony begun.

Zeus: "Hahahaha should we start the naming ceremony."

Gods: "Yeah let's begin."

Hera: "It seems we have Loki child first."

Loki: "Oh Finn."

Hera: "Yeah let's name him little spearman."


Zeus: "Come on Hera the boy has some guts i vote that his name stays the same."

Gods: "Agreed."

So for Loki child it remains Braver.

We continued, more of lokis children were mentioned. The dwarf Gareth was named Elgram. While the elf Riveria keep her title "Nine Hell"

Hera: "Hmm next one is.."

Zeus: "Astraeas child huh?"

God 1: "Hasn't he been an adventure only for a year now."

God 2: "Yeah but look it took him 11 months and a half to reach lvl 2!"

Hermes: "It seems we have a record holder Zeus."

Zeus: "Indeed Hermes. For breaking the record let's give him a cool name."

Hera: "hmmm i guess the brat deserves it."

God 3: "How about Knight kid?"

Loki: "If we are going for a cool title then something like Lion knight would be cool."

God 2: "It is cool but he is only a kid."

Goddess 1: "He is kind of cute."

Goddess 2: "Yeah like a prince."

Zeus: "I know how about prince of knights."

Astraea: "That is great idea."

Hermes: "I agree so should we start voting then."

Hera: "I don't know maybe Holy knight sounded better but for now let's go with prince of knights."

And like that most of the gods agreed to name my child Y/N Pendragon "Prince of Knights", as the Denatus finished i went home to my child.

1 year later:

Y/N pov: 

I walked the streets of Orario ready to go into the dungeon like usual. But i still couldn't get used to the stared people gave me after all i was a record holder for fastest lvl up to lvl 2. I always rushed to the dungeon but some times Astraea-sama would take me with her around the town for weeks just so i don't over do it.

As i entered the guild building i noticed that there was a new guild worker in front of me. She was a child like ma and was a beast human with red hair and ears.

???: "Good day sir i am a new guild worker here how can i help you?"

Y/N: "Pleasure to meet you can you give me information about floors 13-17?"

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