Chapter 24- Strongest clash! Ottar vs Y/N!

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Y/N pov:

Y/N: "Keep your hands closer to you. When you go in for an attack Bell, you have to be ready to defend in the next moment."

Bell: "Yes!"

We continued to go blow for blow, but even while i held back this much. The difference in skill was obvious.

Well compared how others started, he is doing 100 time better.


Let me confirm something.

I moved in to slash at him, but to my surprise he didn't guard. He moved into a better position and attacked.

I knew it.

Vector you bastard. You have been teaching Bell, how to fight at close range.

Either way, i spinned and dodged. As i did so, i hit him on the head and due to this he lost his balance and fell on the floor.

Y/N: "Bell. I have couple of questions."

Bell: "Yes! How can i help...?"

Y/N: "Vector taught you couple of moves right?"

Bell: "Yes. Why? Is that bad...?"

Y/N: "No. Actually it suits you nicely. Try to combine everything you learn with that fighting style."

Bell: "Understood!"

Y/N: "Also."

Bell: "?"

Y/N: "Bell. Are you scared of something?"

Bell: "!!!" "How do you know...?"

At my question he went pale. That minotaur affected him this much? I mean he even forgot that i was there that day.

Bell: "Do you too think i am a coward?"

Coward? What does he-



Y/N: "Was it Ais who said that?"

He didn't answer. I got it.

Y/N: "Bell. You are a coward."

Bell: "!" he looked at me shocked.

Y/N: "So, get up and prove me wrong!"

Bell: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Just like i said! Prove not only to me, but yourself that you strong! Do you want to become a hero or not?"

Bell: "Well..."

Y/N: "Yes or no!"

Bell: "Yes!"

Y/N: "Good. So, rise up! Surpass your limits and move onward! That's after all the basics of-"

Bell: "Being a hero."

He got it.

Bell: "But..."

Or not.

He still has doubts. It seems i have to be a bit scary Bell, or should i say cruel?

Y/N: "Take your stance."

Bell: "We are continuing?"

Y/N: "No, you will be surviving."

Bell: "Eh?"

In the next moment, i changed the way i was with Bell.

Bloodlust filled my eyes. My sword was firmly held in my hands, ready to slice his neck. Now it was either do or die Bell.

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