Chapter 23- Gates of Camelot are open

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Can you believe that this story was a joke? It's true xD I never thought that it would get this popular, i planned to write this story for myself to read. And then people started to vote, comment and etc. So in reality you are some what responsible for this fanfic. Now enjoy.

One more note(This was added.) as of writing of this chapter this story all together has 50k reads. Thank you all.

Unknown pov:

How long has it been?

Since the days that i wondered the world... i had no place to call home, no people to call family. But after all that i finally found it.

My place.

My familia.

Even to the present day i can't believe i joined the Astrea familia.

In beginning i thought that maybe this goddess was playing tricks on me, but over time i truly connected with the familia.

And right now i was walking through the streets of Orario.

I had really no reason to walk out today, hell i could have sparred with captain. But for some reason i just had to go out.

Could it be you Galahad-san?

I waited for a response and as i was about to give up he spoke.

"I can't talk right now, lady. There is weird energy running through the land."

Weird energy?

"Yes. So please excuse me for couple of moments."

Sorry. We will talk later.

Since Galahad-san can't speak now, i continued with this walk of mine.

As i did so, i looked around me. Children imitating the likes of Braver, Nine Hell, captain and vice-captain.

You couldn't help but admire them even more then before.

Kid 1: "I am king of knights! Ready yourself adventurers!"

Kid 2: "Eh. What is a knight compared to adventurer?"

Kid 3: "Yeah!"

Kid 4: "I heard they aren't that strong in the first place."

Kid 5: "My mommy told me about a handsome adventurer with that title."

Kid 2, 3 and 4: "EHHHHHH! No way!"

Kid 1: "I didn't know tha- I mean hahahaah! I am the strongest!"

Kid 2: "No Braver is!"

Kid 4: "Nine Hell is the strongest mage!"

Kid 3: "King is the only level 7 in the city so he must be the strongest!"

Kids continued to argue and play at the same time. Then again there words brought an interesting thought into my mind.

King of knights, Y/N Pendragon... First member of my familia, died 6 years ago while being level 6.

Every time I would hear stories about him, they were either about his bravery, kindness or leadership. There were also the times when they called him the devil of training.

The point was, every time they would finish one of there stories about him. They would for couple of seconds have a sad expression.

It wasn't just them, the people of Orario to this day talk about him. But rarely do i hear anything, they more focus on Loki, Ganesha, Freya or our familia that have risen above level 4 or 5.

Either way, i wish i could have met him. 

"Y/N Pendragon..."

Oh! Galahad-san! Can you talk now?

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