Chapter 21- Arthur Pendragon

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Ouranos pov:

It's been a while since i heard that name... Arthur...

I still remember that time i was in heaven. Zeus called me to watch the lower world. Being a god, i got curious. What interested Zeus to watch upon the lower world for such a long time?

On that day, for the first time i joined him and watched.

That day i watched the man named Arthur Pendragon, make history.

Zeus, being well... Zeus. Was excited to look at another mortal that caught his attention. Actually there were two that caught his attention since Argonaut.

That being Arthur and Albert.


Ouranos: "What so interesting about these humans Zeus?"

Zeus: "You still don't see it!? I thought that with your eyes you were sure to figure it out, Ouranos!"

After that comment i looked down upon the capital city of Camelot.

Truly, no city will come as close to it's beauty for all eternity

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Truly, no city will come as close to it's beauty for all eternity. To think mortals build that city by there own hands. They have nothing but praise from me.

Ouranos: "I never thought that mortals could build such cities. It always amazes me."

Zeus: "HAhahaha! Right, right!? My eyes almost popped out the first time i saw it!"

Ouranos: "But i have to ask Zeus. Is this the only reason you keep watching the lower world?"

Zeus: "More is to come, my intuition tells me so. Just keep watching for now."

As Zeus suggested. I once again looked upon the lower world.

At first i thought there wasn't anything to see. I thought that boredom were sure to come if i continued to watch. But here i was together with Zeus, watching this city for days.

During this time i learned about the knights of the round table. Arthur's most trusted and strongest knights.

Each had it's strengths and weaknesses. But one thing was for sure, their skills were of the highest caliber.

It didn't matter if they were man or woman. If they had the skills, they were granted the position worthy to stand by their king.

Even Arthur's son, who is biologically a woman, was threated as man.

The loyalty of the knights of the round table is admirable, even his people loved him. Rarely was there somebody who had something against Arthur.

But on the topic of knights of the round, their weapons... 

Ouranos: "Zeus."

Zeus: "Hm?"

Ouranos: "The weapons of knights of the round and it's king. Aren't they too strong for human hands?"

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