Chapter 14

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Kaguya pov:

It's been a year now since Ryuu started working as a waitress. At the beginning i though she gave up on being an adventurer and i wanted to yell at her for giving up, but it seems that she made a schedule where she could make time both for familia and familia business while doing her waitress work.

This made me happy, even though Ryuu and I always fought, i truly did care about her and in time we made up. Though i still see it, she is still upset with what happened 2 years ago. Even though we all moved on we still remembered what happened on that day. And once every year we would go to the fountain to pay our respects. 

Some times while going towards the dungeon i would see some people putting flowers on the fountain. Most of them were people in there 20's or 30's.

It wasn't only civilians who came, Ardee, Riveria and even little Ais who is now lvl 4 would visit. And i think i once saw Allen of all people.

Astrea: "You are here again?"

Kaguya: "Astrea-sama."

Astrea: "So how are you Kaguya?"

Kaguya: "I am fine, i just came to visit."

Astrea: "Is that so?"

Kaguya: "Yeah, though there isn't a week where i don't see at least 1 person paying there respects."

Astrea: "It just shows how much he meant to them."

Kaguya: "Still we have big shoes to fill right? I mean me and the rest of familia."

Astrea: "Yeah, i still can't believe it. He left so much weight for you girls to carry!"

Kaguya: "Astrea-sama, some might think that you hated Y/N if they heard you."

Astrea: "I don't really care, after all i knew Y/N the best and vice versa."

Kaguya: "I see."

Astrea: "Anyway we will be going to the pub that Ryuu works tonight, after all Lyra reached lvl 5."

Yes, i almost forgot about it. First in our familia to reach lvl 5 was Y/N, then Alise and after her me and Ryuu. Now that Lyra reached lvl 5 there are 4 of us and slowly i think we will continue getting stronger and stronger. Though most of us are having problems, like because of Y/N who always told us to have the lowest stat at least B or A.

And most of old familia members are trying there best to do so, but the newer ones have to be told that by us or Astrea-sama.

Kaguya: "I know, so i will see you later Astrea-sama after i am done with the dungeon today."

Astrea: "Be careful and come back on time please."

Kaguya: "I will."

And like that i headed towards the dungeon.

Y/N pov:

Y/N: "I fell on the ground again."

Erebus: "I don't know why you are training? I told you that you can't return, it's impossible."

Y/N: "I know, i know."

Erebus: "Then why?"

Y/N: "Because like you said i want to create my own path that even the all mighty god like you won't see coming."

Ellen-sama looked at me with a smile and said.

Erebus: "Cheeky brat."

I already got used to Ellen-sama, so i just turned around and continue to train.

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