Chapter 25- Heroes vs Calamity

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Floor 50, Bete pov:

It's been 6 days since that weakling fought the minotaur.


To think that the  battle of that level would exite me! What's wrong with me!?

Also that bastard fought the boar head on and survived. Fucking damn it! Those two are the only ones i can think about in this moment!

Tiona: "Argonaut-kun was amazing! Hehehe."

The idiot Amazoness continued to praise the tomato brat.

But i still continued to sharpen my equipment.

Ais to was looking at the camp fire, lost in focus. She is strong, unlike the rest of those weakling in our familia.

My look then shifted to the Astrea familia, blue haired woman from Ganesha familia set with them.

Looking at them, suddenly a memory appeared in my mind.

A memory of that golden bastard.

On the day the Evilus made there final push.

I never thought that i would remember it so suddenly like this.


As i was injured from fighting against the Evilus bastards, even more of them appeared.

They wore black and white robes with masks over their faces, as they started to run towards me a gut in blue clothes and blue hair appeared.

He had red eyes and a red spear.

Vector: "What do we have here?"

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Vector: "What do we have here?"

Bete: "What the hell do you want, huh?"

Vector: "Are you angry? Don't tell me you are going to bite me?"

My blood begun to boil, but i couldn't move.

I was hopeless once again.


Once the thought of "hopelessness" crossed my mind, i forced myself up.

Vector: "Wow! Would you look at that. He still has some fight left in him. Time to finish you i guess." he said as he readied his spear.

I was ready to fight, but in that moment an Evilus member screamed.

Evilus 1: "Y/N Pendragon is here!"

Evilus 2: "He found this place!?"

Vector: "Don't panic. All forces move and attack him."

Evilus members: "Understood!"

Evilus 2: "What about him sir?"

He looked at me and said.

Vector: "We don't have time to deal with weaklings, move."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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