Chapter 8

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Astraea pov:

It been 3 days since Y/N left his sword and girls have been pretty down bc of it. I understood what Y/N wanted to do but was it a right decision? Perhaps he wanted me to help them now that they are lost, i mean i would have done so either way i just some times don't understand that child of mine. I also heard from the girls that the citizens have been throwing rocks at Y/N and more. People even were saying how can somebody like that be in Astraea familia. Even though all of the hatred was mostly towards him, girls too suffer in the beginning Alise even kneeled in front of them. But as soon as the news of what happened between Y/N and the girls, they all stopped being angry at the Alise and the others.

Alise: "Astraea-sama. I am sorry for coming in so late but i wanted to talk. I mean can we all talk?"

Astraea: "You mean you, me and the other girls or Y/N and all of us."

Alise: "Well since he hasn't been home for 3 days, so i guess it will be just us and you Astraea-sama."

Astraea: "Gather everyone that wants to talk i will be there shortly."

Y/N pov:

For the last 3 days i have been avoiding my familia, including Astraea-sama. Citizen of the Orario have been throwing rocks at me and have been criticizing me. I just dodged the rocks and continued to wonder around. I wanted to find what Evilus could be planning. Also i wanted to know why the former heroes would attack us.

Erebus: "If it isn't Y/N-kun?"

Y/N: "Ellen-sama, sorry it's Erebus-sama right?"

We looked at each other until he spoke.

Erebus: "Weird."

Y/N: "Excuse me?"

Erebus: "It's just that when you look at me usually people would feel either hatred or despair but you, it's like i same old "Ellen"."

Y/N: "Are you not?"

Erebus: "Hahahahahaha! I guess i am. So Y/N do you have an answer to my question?"

Y/N: "Have you found yours?"

Erebus: "Not yet. But if you guys win i won't hear your answer. After all you are one of my favorites."

Y/N: "Don't worry about that. I will see your final moment Ellen-sama. Because we must not lose."

Erebus: "Is that so? But the city hates you. Why help them?"

Y/N: "I guess that Astraea-sama influenced me so much."

Erebus: "I guess she did Hahahahahahaha. I will see you once again before my final moment Y/N. Also where are you heading towards too?"

Y/N: "Me? I am going towards the best and most dangerous training grounds in Orario."

Erebus: "I see, but last question. Why tell me? Aren't i your enemy?"

Y/N: "Don't know. I have to go Ellen-sama i bid you farewell."

And like that i headed towards the Freya familia main base Folkvangr to train like there is no tomorrow after all for last 3 days i managed to convince Freya-sama to allow me to train in there. While i ran towards it i could hear Ellen-sama screaming.

Erebus: "My true name is EREBUS!"

Astraea pov:

We all gathered in the living room to talk.

Alise: "What should we do about Y/N?"

Kaguya: "What about the sword? Nobody can lift it."

Lyra: "Yeah not even when we asked Braver."

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