Chapter 13- After match

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just a quick message here, i don't know if there will be more titled chapters because i really don't know how to name chapters. That's it now let's begin the chapter.

Ryuu pov:

It's been a year now since he died. Most of us moved on or at least are trying to move on. The newer members didn't think much about this, but the older members really didn't take this too well. 

After all he was the one who helped us the most. He told us how to do better in the dungeon. He showed us how to improve our fighting styles. When we needed him in the times of need he was there, some times he could be cruel but even than he was doing all of that for us.

Alise had to recover quickly because she is a captain of our familia. After we got her arm back for her, she returned to her cheerful self. Though some times when she is alone i could see her staring at the night's sky, only for her to be confronted by Astrea-sama where she would cry in her arms.

Lyra was always the most collective individual than any of us. Even though she doesn't show that she is sad, we know.

Unlike Alise and Lyra, Kaguya and I still have some troubles. Though Kaguya is doing better than  I am, in public she is the vice-captain of Astrea familia. While with me she is still angry.

And i understand why she is angry. I am angry with myself as well. I am angry that i froze on that day.  I am angry that he died. Maybe if i tried to do something and not be useless on that day, some things would be different.

As i was thinking about all of this i didn't notice that i reached the fountain that was made in memory of him.

On fountain was a symbol one of the hooded figure with a sword in his hands and with the emblem of Astrea familia above his head.

This was one of the places i come to when i am trying to calm down. The other one was home where his sword was, but it disappeared one day. 6 months later the sword was found deep in the forest, it's also a safe point for travelers who past there because no monster dares to come near that sword.

Some adventures went to the forest to lift the sword as if too prove themselves but non succeeded.

???: "Hello, miss elf."

I turned around to the source of the voice. There stood a silver-haired girl with beauty that it would put some elfs to shame.

Ryuu: "hello?"

???: "Oh sorry it's just you were sitting there staring at the this fountain for some time now."

Ryuu: "Yeah, by the way what's your name?"

Syr: "Oh i am Syr Flova, though i know who you are Gale Wind or should i call you Ryuu Lion?"

Ryuu: "Ryuu is fine."

Syr: "So are you ok?"

Ryuu: "I am fine."

Syr: "You shouldn't lie."

I ignored her. And how did she know i was lying in the first place?

Syr: *sigh* 

As she sighed she took my hand and started to drag me. It took me couple of seconds to realize that she grabbed my hand! I usually don't let anybody touch me expect a few.

Syr: "Sorry for dragging you like this but i think this might help you a bit."

I didn't even notice that we arrived at some sort of bar. As we entered people started to talk about me, like what was she doing here? Is something wrong with this pub?

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