Chapter 10

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Finn pov:

This war is hard. I have a feeling Valletta still has something up her sleeves.

Raul: "Captain! Vector has started a fight with Y/N-san!"

Finn: "What!"

No wait. This might be good.

Finn: "Don't send anybody, let Y/N handle this on his own."

Raul: "But Vector is level 6 now!"

Finn: "Raul, believe in him. I am sure he can do it. Like how i am sure Ottar is going to win against Zard!"

Raul: "But..."

Finn: "But noting Raul. Stay on your positions."

Raul: "Yes sir."

You better win this one Y/N!

Back to Y/N and Vector:

As soon as Vector and I took our stance we continued our fight. Even though he stabbed me i couldn't fall, at least not for now. No matter what this is the battle i can't lose.

Y/N: "To think you would stab me from the behind."

Vector: "Well i can't say i am proud of it, but not only did you get cocky it was also the will of my god."

We talked as we parried each others attacks.

Y/N: "Your god? Erebus?"

Vector: "Yes."

Y/N: "Still i have to win this fight Vector!"

Vector: "We shall see about that Y/N"

And just like that Vector got faster. He was getting an upper hand but i had a plan.

Right, right, left, right, now bellow, right again, up, left.

I was starting to get his attack pattern. And in the next moment i side stepped and made a cut in his arm with my sword.

Vector: "You really are one of the strongest, and nice analyzes by the way. But you will need more power do hurt me."

Damn even though i am using invisible wind i can't hurt him so much.

As i was thinking of a way of defeating him we continued to clash, but i was trying to remember all the skill and abilities that Vector has.

If i remember he has the skills:



Battle Continuation


Gae Bolg

The magic he should have according to the guild is:

Rune magic

And his development abilities should be:


Strong body

Abnormal resistance

Magic resistance

Protection against arrows

These were all of his abilities that he should have but he leveled up so he must have 1 more development ability!

Vector: "Hey you are kind of spacing out!"

And like that a kick came so i ducked and tried to cut him but he blocked with his spear. We continued to fight, so i continued to try and remember what his skills do.

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