Chapter 6

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Six days until the Great Feud:

I was on my desk thinking about Evilus next possible move. Judging from the things that they have been gathering like hammering system. I came to conclusion that they are building a bomb.

Y/N: "They have been stealing the hammering system and flame stones. This combination could great a powerful bomb in theory."

Then i remembered that today is the day Finn should lead his charge on Evilus. I am sure that he already predicted there movements. But why hasn't he informed the others? What is he thinking?

Y/N: "Iska come in."

Iska: "Y/N-san what is it?"

Y/N: "Bring me Ryuu, Alise, Kaguya, Lyra and Neze in here."

Iska: "Right away!"

I waited for couple of moments until they came in.

Alise: "Yo Y/N! We were thinking about going out but you called us before we could go."

Y/N: "Listen all of you now."

This got there attention.

Kaguya: "Is it something serious?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Lyra: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Today when you go out i want you to be careful and move people away from the buildings."

Ryuu: "Why?"

Y/N: "Evilus might be up to something."

Ryuu: "Then we should just stop them."

Kaguya: "You stupid elf just shut up and listen."

Before Ryuu could speak i spoke first

Y/N: "I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen. Also i suspect that Loki familia is trying something and they are not telling us."

Lyra: "Are you sure? I mean why would they hide something if it is important?"

Y/N: "I don't know but listen here as I explain what you are going to do."

All of them were quiet so i spoke again.

Y/N: "You will be doing what ever you want today but keep citizens as far away from the buildings as possible. If you see somebody from Loki familia that is a high lvl my suspicion might be true. Also Alise will be with Ryuu bc she is a bad liar. Don't worry Ryuu with time you will learn to put on a better poker face."

Ryuu: "What!?"

Others: "True."

Ryuu: "Hey!"

Y/N: "Anyway don't worry others will be patrolling and keep citizens safe as well. While i will be on a look out for anything suspicious. Understood?"

Girls: "Yes."

Alise: "But before we go aren't i suppose to give these kind of orders?"

Lyra: "Yeah but it seems Y/N wants his position back."

Alise: "WHAT!? But you said i would make a perfect captain."

Y/N: "Just get out and you are still the captain. I am just doing what a senior should do."


Y/N: "Just go."

Ryuu pov:

As we got outside we all could see people laughing. It's been a while since we could see something like this. Usually people would cover in fear. But thanks too Ganesha, Loki, Freya and Astraea familia people can laugh again. Even with these familia people like Finn and Y/N are hated much more then others. Hell Y/N is considered a number 1 enemy of Evilus.

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