Talking To Alpha

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(Sooo I finally updated again, I hope you like. I'd really love some comments you know just putting that there)


(Hellson’s PoV)

That old mansion was certainly creepy and made my wolf on edge there was an unhappy presence there, I was half tempted to have my mate come with me to my pack house and live there until we figure this thing out, but I had a feeling that Ryiad didn’t actually know what a mate was. He would probably not leave his family there either which just made more of a crowd, but I trusted that he would be alright.

“Hell you alright?” Wyatt walked up beside me as Cassie was playing with a white bunny rabbit that she found in the forest. She always had such an affinity to wild life.

“Yeah, but that’s dangerous.”I stated, “It’s making Kahver uneasy.”

Wyatt looked up at the blue sky and nodded, “Same here.” He sighed, but then looked at me for a moment, “So which one is your mate?” He questioned talking about the twins.

“Ryiad.” I told him with a smile. Wyatt nods and looked up at the sky that was starting to cloud, I always loved rainy days especially when no one else is out and I can just hear birds chirping.

“I’m not gay, but he is adorable.” Wyatt chuckled as he wrapped an arm around his mate, who was texting her girlfriends about something. I believe it was for some kind of tea that they were going to host. Like those woman tea things, or maybe it was a book club because woman and some submissive men go there too because everyone is invited. I believe from what I’ve heard it that they’re reading a series called Cirque du Freak about the half child vampire named Darran Shan or something of that sort.

I wasn’t much into reading, and would rather get my hands on a video game controller and play black Ops zombies with the guys. I’m still twenty one, I can still like video games I know men who are forty or older who play them. Plus it might be more likely that most of my guy friends are nerds. You know what ‘Nerd unite!’ I wonder what Ryiad would think of that, I doubt he would care.

Ryiad is so adorable, but he obviously isn’t really the age to know that I’m his mate yet, but I hope to talk to his father about that and maybe court him a bit. I know this isn’t going to be like normal relationships where I can just jump right in.

With this I need to be a bit more careful.

I walked up the stairs to my brother’s office door and knocked, I don’t want to see his ass get plowed in with his mates dick again. That was very scaring to my eyes and my mind.

“Yes?” Vladimir opened his door with his mate towering over him, Vlad’s mate was our delta; he was taller than me and had yellow eyes and white hair that was cut short like a buzz cut.

“I wanted to speak to you about the new shifters in the Elderwood mansion.” I smiled at him, glad that I didn’t interrupt their time together.

“Oh Okay.” My brother let me in and shut the door behind me, I looked at the delta, whose name was Nicolai.

“So it turns out that one of the shifters is my mate.” I shrugged as I sat in one of the three couches, my brother didn’t really like desks so he used couches.

“Really?” Vladimir smiled brightly, “Who is it the father?”

“No one of the boys,” I sighed, “He looks to be sixteen just like his twin brother.”

“Ouch.” He winces, “So that means he doesn’t know right?”

“Probably, I know that he probably feels something for me, but besides that.” I turned more serious, “There’s something in that mansion, and whatever it is whether it is ghosts or something doesn’t want them living there.”

“That’s not good did you see anything,?”

“No, but I was hoping that we could probably help them rebuild up the place or whatever you call it, and make sure it’s safe.” I suggested.

My brother sighed looking up at his mate, I knew that they were probably telepathically communicating because they were looking at each other for a while. I glanced outside watching it pour down and hitting the window. I smiled at it.

Vladimir cleared his throat pulling me back to reality.

“Yeah?”I asked.

“We’ve made our decision, we’ll send twenty of our best construction workers and warriors just in case something bad happens.” He paused, “The warriors that are construction workers,” He rephrased. I nodded.

“Thank you.” I smiled at my brother who smiled back at me.

“Now go get some dinner mom made her best lasagna tonight.” He said jumping up and running to the door to get there faster.

Sometimes I wonder how he managed to get the title Alpha, but I certainly didn’t want it. It was to much work and stress.

Not something I wanted.


When I finished dinner I phoned Ryiad, who immediately picked up.

‘ Hi!’ He said though the phone.

“Hey Ryiad, how’s working going?” I asked curiously.

‘Well nothing weird has happened yet, but we’re also mostly working in the kitchen, because you know’ I could tell he was shrugging. ‘We like food and I like cooking so therefore fixing up the kitchen sounds better than fixing up the other things. Oh! We also got the water not to be brown anymore, it’s clear now.’

I smiled slightly.

“That’s awesome, does it taste any good?”

“No it’s tastes like iron.’ He made a disgusted noise, I heard some voices in the back ground. “Whelp, I’ve got to go, we’re tearing out the cabinets!’

The call ended.

Ryiad sounded rather pleased that he would get to tear down something, I sighed. I would too, it sounds fun and less work than putting the thing back together.

They had a lot of work left to do, but I’m hoping my pack could speed up that process and maybe I could take my mate on some dates.

“Hellson! Come down for dinner you lazy dog!” My mom shouted,

“I ain’t a dog, bitch !” I joked, I heard her growl then went back to her cleaning the dishes with a friend of her’s.

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