Out Of Place

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(Hellson’s PoV)


Ryiad pulled me up the curving stairway up to his room which was at the end of the hallway on the third floor. I noticed a door that said ‘ Stay Out!’ in several different languages.

“What’s in there?” I asked him, pointing to the door.

He frowned staring at it, “That is where the beast lives.” Ryiad whispered, I nodded then walked inside his room which was actually really nice. It looked like it didn’t need to be remodeled at all.

“Nice room.” I said changing the subject.

“Um, thanks.” He walked over to the window and opened it.

“So I was thinking that my pack could come over and help you guys remodel this mansion, because won’t it take years to redo it by yourselves?” I sat in the computer chair beside the desk. The floors were wooden and the walls were painted white, but they looked dirty. Those that don’t know, yes like anything else walls can be washed and get dirty.

Ryiad looked at me with a smile, “Really?”

“Yes really, my alpha, who is also my brother said it was okay.”I told him.

“Yes!” The blue eyed boy jumped up and down then hugged me, “Danke, Thank you!”

“No problem,” I said blinking in shock that he hugged me, I hugged back then pulled back. “So any idea what we’re having for dinner?”

Ryiad looked up at the ceiling tapping his right index finger on his chin thinking then shrugged, “Not sure, I think it was something with chicken or steak.” He told me.

I nodded, “Okay, um want to go out for a run?” I glanced outside to the beautiful rain and dark clouds, I could smell the air getting fresher just from the rain; it’s amazing what rain can do even if most think it’s annoying and depressing. I think it’s calm and a blessing.

“Sure, ummm you know I’m a shifter?”  He asked.

“What kind?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“You know what kind, my kind has a certain scent that normal shifters can tell the difference.”

“Yeah I know.” I smirked, “Want to see if your brother wants to come along?”

He nodded with a smile, then grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me out of the room running down the stairs. Ryiad knocked on a door, and a moment later Sven answered then looked up at me.

“You know Hellson you’re tall.” Sven deadpanned, he had somewhat the same voice as his twin, but a little deeper, just slightly. But my ears caught it.

“I know.” I smirked at him, he just rolled his eyes.

“So what did you want?” Sven asked calmly, as he rubbed his neck like it was giving him problems with it.

“We were wondering if you wanted to go for a run.” Ryiad smiled.

Sven frowned and shook his head, “Sorry I’m not feelin’ it.”

Ryiad tilted his head slightly in concern, “Are you okay?”

“I’m Fine.” Sven snapped and shut his door locking it.

My mate looked up at me and pouted, “He never does that Hellson, he usually wants to go on runs with me.” he licked his bottom lip and sighed. “Alright lets go, I’ll talk to my brother tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I said as we walked into the kitchen where Ryiad’s father was making dinner.

“Hey Pater we’re going for a run.” My mate told him.

“Okay, und nicht Sex haben.”His father chuckled while Ryiad’s face turned red.(OKay, and don’t have sex)

“Goddess, Pa get your head out of the gutter.” He rolled his eyes and stomped out.

“What’d you say?” I asked him.

“Nothing, I’m Leo(I don’t think I gave him a name) by the way.” He told me glancing back at me, “And I know you’re my son’s mate, be careful with him, and wait until he’s actually eighteen to do anything, but if you have to go ahead.” Leo smiled at me.

“Ummm... Okay.”I smiled at him then walked out following after my mate, who had already shifted into a beautiful Calico tiger, which instead of orange it was a dark grey with black strips. His eyes stayed that beautiful blue, that I loved.

I quickly took off my clothes and shifted in my large Red and black wolf. I padded over to him and rubbed up against him, he whacked me softly with his large paw and cackled slightly. Ryiad strided away then started sprinting into the forest, I sprinted after him. Unlike him I wasn’t a very fast animal, and tigers are faster than wolves, but I made it an attempt to sprint and keep speed up with him.

We came to an old lake it looked like, it looked like it use to have a dock in the lake, but now it looked deteriorated. I alway wondered why the Elderwoods all left, but I suppose we were going to start to find out, either it was rogue attacks or something bigger and scarier.  I’m going with the latter.

Ryiad shifter back and slipped on a pair of black shorts that I didn’t realize were on the inside of his right leg up by his thigh, hmm that was a good idea. I wonder why no one else thought about that, even though as werewolves we didn’t care much about nudity, it was a natural way to present yourself during ceremonies and such.

“So this lake looks rather sad.” He smiled, and walked over to me, “You’re so pretty.” He commented touching my face, I felt sparks from just those little gestures and I’m sure he did too.

Ryiad looked at me for a while, “What’s your wolves name?” He asked.

‘Kahver.’ I linked him,

He grinned at me, “I like it,” He glanced away for a moment then looked at me, “I’m worried about my brother, he seems off. He’s my little brother too.”

I nod my large head then shifted back to my human form, Ryiad blinked then tried to not look down. I smiled at my cute little mate.

“Well he’s your brother you’re suppose to worry.” I told him and reached up to play with his hair.

“I know, but he seems really off after what happened this afternoon.” Ryiad looked up at me with worried eyes, “ And then that beast like thing touched him, what do you think it did to him?”

“I don’t know Ryiad, maybe that’s the reason why all of the other Elderwoods left was because of that thing, or maybe it’s somethings more.”

He huffed, “Either way.... That house is creepy, and I feel like there’s something more to it than just that room, even in the forest here it creeps me out. Lets go back, I’m sure my Pater has finished dinner by now.”

I nodded and shifted back to my wolf and I watched Ryiad shift to an all black wolf. It as a beautiful wolf, but then my mate is beautiful.

We ran back, and just as Ryiad had said dinner was done.

But Sven wasn’t at the table, and Mr.Elderwood had a very worried look on his face.

“Where’s my brother?” Ryiad asked.

“In his room, he’s never snapped at me before.” His dad pouted.

“He snapped at you?” The son gasped and looked toward the way to Sven’s room biting his lip. “You stay here I’m going to go see what’s wrong with him, he’s acting out of place.”

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