Fast Endings?

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Chapter Twenty-Six

(Ryiad’s PoV)


The next two days were interesting, I got my Mater to calm down. I got him talk more to me about when he was little and what happened between him and Pater. I can’t lie, I really do miss earth, I miss my twins, my brother, and my dad. I don’t really know about my mate anymore, It’s just that I don’t really feel that connection anymore with Hellson.

Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be and Nyx messed up. We haven’t even mated either, the only one that I’ve actually ‘Mated’ with was my own brother. I don’t even remember that because Mevicmire was going it, not me.

“Ryiad dear?” Rian looked up at me, I glanced across from the dinner table at him, “Are you okay?”

I smiled a bit.

“I’ll be fine, mater.” I told him, he just nodded going back to eating his chicken.

Oh it turns out that here, chicken were pink, like bright baby pink. It was bit scary at first, because their eyes are blood red, and they have teeth, like effing sharp teeth.



“So you are him?” Elden looked down at me, “ I would’ve thought you’d be taller.”

Kur, a large man with black hair and dark royal blue eyes pushed his shoulder with a chuckle, “Hey don’t be mean to the kid, he’s a bit cute.”

“Of course you’d think that.” Elden rolled his eyes like a teenagaer, well he did look eighteen still. Even though I bet he was a lot older than that.

“Um hello?” I peered up at them, they both were a lot taller than me. It was annoying, they came after dinner, making a big entrance. They were actually fighting over something.

“Oh yes.” Elden smiled down at me, “Now, I’m going to bring you to the titans so that you can stop them.”

“N-now?” I blinked.

“Yes, why later. I don’t really like huge wars. So might as well stop it now.” He shrugged.

“I agree with him.” Kur put in.

“You always agree with me.” Elden sighed.

“Because you’re always right.”

“Whatever.”Elden snapped his fingers and we vanished.

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