Council Meeting

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-So new characters. Everyone loves new characters right?_


(Keiran’s PoV)

*New character*


Listening to the constant chatter of the council members, about what was happening around in Hallow. I guess one of the council members summoned a spirit demon thing. I don’t know I don’t control the demon kingdom, my best friend Elden. He is actually from the human realm, or use to be. But that’ a whole nother story that isn’t mine to tell.

(No really it isn’t Elden is my best friend’s character, and I’m using her’s and mine’s world. *horrid grammar I know*)

I look over to Elden, he seems bored, and want’s to get out of here. He already has someone coming to help us, he just accidentally summoned them not near us whatsoever. It was a mistake, and even though he’s the kind of the demon kingdom, he still has things to learn. As do I as the kind of the Vampire kingdom called Padeur, the Demon kingdom is called Xymis.

When we finally finished, I stand up and walk out of the council room after Elden, who got up before me.

“Elden.” I call.

He turns toward me and nods.

“Yes Kur?” He looks at me just as his familiar perches on his shoulder, I never liked the bird. He was always irritating to me, talking about some crap I didn’t care for. Yeah he warned us many times on our adventures with each other, but now it just got irritating.

“How far off did you mistake the distance?” I ask curiously, he looks away scrunching up his brows that were pitch black, his eyes were green, but had flecks of blood red in them distinguishing that he was a zombie, but he wasn’t just that he was also a child of a witchkin. Which meant he has magic, the fact that he is forever eighteen helps with learning magic as well. Like I said before there is much to him, but that isn’t my story to tell.

“Maybe miles away, somewhere off of Thayort?” He shrugges, “I don’t really know Kur, but he will be here, his name is Mevicmire, and he’s a strong magic demon type.”

“Gotcha.” I nod. “Hey are you still coming over with Ash?”

“Maybe, if she feels up to it.” Elden shrugges again with a smirk, “She’s still bugging me about the last time we came over.”

“Hey I did not know that my twin would bring over Succubuses, fucking idiot.” I laugh, Elden rolls his eyes.

“Anyway I have to go.” Elden waves his hand and leaves, but pauses at the door. “Tell me if you find Mevicmire, he could have blue, pink eyes or any color? I don’t know he changes every thousand years, after he gets another host.”

“Oh, yeah sure.” I smile then open a portal to my kingdom and step through.

There my twin was sitting in my office reading a book, he use to follow queen  Imtorine before I took over. I never knew I had a twin brother up until five-hundred years ago, I didn’t know that I was also part vampire.

I was originally born a werewolf, but I still had my father’s blood in me. So when I died I became a creature called a Lampire or Volkodlak. Which is what a half werewolf and half vampire is called when the vampiric side is awoken. How I died, that’s another story for another time as well.

“What are you reading Kyrin?” I ask as I sit at my desk.

“Well..” Kyrin looks up at me, “I heard the feud about how the Titans were coming back, and not even just that, that they want to enter the human realm and rule there.” He shrugges. “Poor humans’ don’t know what commin’ to them.”

“Yeah I knew that, so why are you reading your never read?” I raise an eyebrow.

Kyrin scoffs and stands up, “I can read when I damn well please.”

“Sure princess.” I tease.

“But no really, do we know how to stop the titans?” Kyrin looks up at me with the same Dark blue as mine. “The whole reason why the gods created Hallow was for this to not happen.”

“I know that Kyrin. We will just have to wait and see.” I sigh, “Even though how much I despise that.”

“Okay, so is Elden and Ash coming tonight?”Kyrin smiles.

“Not if you play that stunt like last time.” I scowl at him, he just raises up his hands.

“Promise.” Kyrin smiles then walks away.

-So what did you think of the new characters and how the story is going? Is it going to slow or fast or just a good pace? I'm trying not to jump at anything like I usually do and it's so hard not to. Thanks again for reading-

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