What's Going On?

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(So I decided you guys needed another chapter today, plus I was bored)


(Ryiad’s PoV)


“Stop being mean.” I told Mevicmire, He hummed walking away from Hellson, which I could do almost nothing about. “Say sorry and hug my mate!” I hissed.

‘Shut it Ryiad.’ he grumbled annoyed.

“No this is my body, sure you changed it to fit your liking, but I still would like you to be nice to my mate.” I argued.

Mevicmire looked back at Hellson, who looked like he was on his last leg of patience.

“I don’t like mutts.” He told me bluntly.

“Well I do.” I crossed my arms in my room in my mind, that I could still see what Mevicmire was doing.

‘Fine. Fine.’ He walked over to Hellson and kissed his cheek, “I’m sorry, I’m not myself right now.” Mev smiled up at what he so called ‘mutt’.

“Where’s Ryiad?” Hellson asked.

“Listening to us.” Mevicmire told him shifting his feet calmly, “Looks like your shifter finally figured out you’re his mate.”

“That’s good, could I talk to him?” Hellson asked carefully.

“No.” Mevicmire said and looked around the renovated room sighing, “Every thousand years they change my room.” He grumbled, “At least this is better than the last few times.”

The room had black carpeting, silver walls, a 72 inch flat screen in front of the king sized bed that still didn’t take up half of the room. There was a black wood desk in front of the window that was now modern like. The lighting was a bit different, they kept the torches in the four corners, but now they were electricity instead of real fire.

The king sized bed had a silver and black sheets with sketches of red in it to keep away the spirits while you slept.

Good luck with that.

It looked as though my brother had something to do with this room, because these were my favorite colours including purple. Which I saw a samsung galaxy five was sitting on my desk with a royal purple phone case on it to keep it safe.

Mevicmire smiled at the phone and picked it up and looked through it for a moment. Then he looked up at Hellson.

“For a mutt, you are kind of hot.” He bluntly said with a smirk.

Hellson just smiled at us.

“I know.” He said, I rolled my eyes that was so like him. “So what’s going on with this house?”

Mevicmire paused putting the phone back down beside the laptop that I really wanted to get my hands on, but this interested me more.

“It’s happening again.” He said looking up at Hellson. “The Titans want to take over earth again, even though we are in the twentieth century. The Gods and Goddesses do not like this one bit, usually I would be here like every thousand years to take watch and take a chosen host; even at random. Things have been quiet for a while, but now...Now the Titans do want to take over, they’re slowly, but surely crawling out of tartarus where Pluto had put them.”

“So wait...You’re telling me some of the most powerful beings are crawling out of hell-”


“Whatever...” Hellson rolled his eyes, “and now they want to take over earth, what’s there to gain?”

“That. I do not know right now.” Mevicmire sighed, “But excuse me, but I need to go find my brother Set.”

“Who’s saying something about Set?” Sven peeked his head in the room.

“Were you listening in the whole time?” Mevicmire asked.


“I want to talk to Set, bring him forth Sven...That’s your name right?” Mevicmire tilted his head curiously.

“Yeah....” Sven said and immediately after his eyes turned black, “Hello dear brother.”

Hellson stared at us like he wasn’t sure what to do or rather what to make of this whole disaster

“Imma. Just going to leave now.” Hellson said.

“Hellson.” Mevicmire said, “put some of your warriors on stand by, I’m not sure, but I know something is about to happen and I’m not going to like it.”

“Okay.” Hellson said and hugged us. “When I come back I’d love to actually talk to my mate, not you.” My mate walked away.

Mevicmire just rolled his eyes and looked at his brother.


They took two hosts that were brother and they’re brothers themselves.

“Now shall we get started?” Set asked sitting on my desk when the door shut, Mev nodded and walked over to the window and sighed.

“What’s our next approach?” He asked, “Any ideas? Because this whole thing is worrying me, and the Titans are not suppose to get out of the underworld.”

“Hey at least we’re not dealing with death like last time.” Set said optimistically.

His brother just rolled his.

“Set that’s not the point.” Mevicmire said.

“Then what is Mevy.” Set raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Oh why not?”

“Because this time my host actually has a mate, therefore I don’t belong to you this time around Set.”

‘Wait what isn’t that incest?’ I asked.

“No the proper term is twincest.” Set chuckled.

‘You can hear me?’

“Yes. As I can also hear your brother complaining about wanting some nutella on sugar cookies.”

‘Mmm that sounds yummy.’ I said just as our stomach growled, Mevicmire growled at it frowning.

“Lets get food before we continue.” Mevicmire said.

“Sounds great.” We all agreed.

Welll this....This is going to be interesting.

Titan’s bent on controling earth again.

Sven and I being hosts to these spirit beings that we still don’t know who they are.

Oh joy! *Sarcasm*

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