Chapter 10

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"Really? This is what surprise me means to you?" I look away from the window over to Josh.

"Well you said you didn't belong in fancy places, plus who doesn't love coming here?" Josh smile and gestures out the window. I shake my head and get out of the car. A fair, he took me to a fair. I feel a smile tug on my lips when I look at the huge ferries wheel and little roller coasters, cotton candy stands and those games you can play to win a stuffed animal.

"Well?" I jump and look over a Josh to see him giving me a worried look.

"Thank you." I smile and give him a huge. I pull away to fast for him to react and give him a huge cheeky smile. "I haven't been to a fair in years."

"Me niether." he smiles and takes my hand interlocking our fingers in the process.

"Oh, can we get some cotton candy?" I ask bouncing up and down. I haven't had cotton candy in years. I always loved going to the fair to ride the rides and waste money on the silly games, but when I was dating Nick he would never let me. All he every wanted to do was party, drink, and have sex. I hated being with him after a while.

"Sure." I grin at Josh and drag him over to the cotton candy stand and order a big blue and green cotton candy stick. I offered to pay but Josh said no because it was a date and a lady never pays on a date, of course I stuck my tongue out at him before eating my cotton candy.

"Want some?" I ask Josh as were walking around looking for a ride to ride after I get done eating. I feel kind of bad about eating in front of him, especially since he must be starving.

"No, I'm good."

"You sure, it's super yummy." I wave the wand of sweetness under his nose until he take it away from me. "Hey, give it back!"

"But you said I could have it." Josh teases and makes sure to keep it out of my reach. I jump up to try and get it a couple times before giving up.

"I said you could have SOME." I huff and cross my arms. Good thing I worn flat shoes or my feet would be killing me from all that jumping.

"Yeah well now I want some." I can help but laugh when Josh stick his tongue out at me like a five year old.

"Oh my gosh, that was too cute! I wish I had a camera when you did that!" I laugh. I never thought I'd see the day where Josh Hutcherson stuck his tongue out at somebody. That was the cutest thing ever.

"What?" Josh ask over a mouth full of cotton candy. I look at him, with his clueless expression and cotton candy covered lips and burst out laughing again.

"What's so funny?" Josh ask. I hold up my finger and try to calm down. I know I'm attracting attention because I hear some people mumbling about Josh being here.

"You have cotton candy on your Face" I giggle.

"Oh, where?" I watch Josh pat his cheeks and bite my lips to stop from laughing again. "Right here?" I shake my head when he points to different places.

"Here let me help." I smile and take some off his cheeks and nose. How it got there I have no idea. I look at the spot on his lips and smile. I know a way to get that off. I step closer to him and put my hands on either side of his face. "You have some on your lips." I whisper right before pressing my lips to his. Once my lips touched Josh's it felt like a fire started throughout my body. I didn't notice anybody around us, I forgot we were at a fair with hundreds of people around us as my lips moved in sync with his.

It took every fiber of my being to pull my lips away from Josh's before I pushed him on the ground and ripped his clothes off in front of everybody. Is it just me of does kissing him get better each time?

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