Chapter 18

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I let out a huge sigh of flustration as I wait for Josh to pay for the hot cheetos and salted carmel mocha capachino inside the little Quick Trip we stopped at in god knows where. I swear if I had a choice I would've flown to Chicago instead of driving but no, the director and Josh insited we drive. So here I am, sitting in a blazing hot car, sweating like a pig, looking like absolute shit, and waiting for Josh to hurry his sexy butt out of this stupid gas station so we can just get to the hotel already.

I'm hot and sweat and I probably smell gross and I just want a shower. I'm restless from sitting in this car since five am this morning and it turns out I have to spend 29 hours in this car. 29 FUCKING HOURS IN A CAR THAT WOULD TAKE PROBABLY A 5 HOUR PLANE RIDE! I swear peole now a days are stupid. I blame Josh for this. I'm so going to give him the silent treatment till we get to the hotel. Damn car ride.

"Here you go." Josh smiles and hands over the bag of food and my cup of coffee. I give him a small irritated smile before placing my steaming cup of coffee in the cup holder and grabbing the huge bag of hot cheetos from the platic bag sitting in my lap. I shove my hand in the bag and pop a couple cheetos in my mouth as I look out the window watching the cars drive by us as we get back on the highway.

I hate long car ride, I think to myself as I count the countless cars drive by us. They make me angry and restless. I dont see how people can spend hours in a car without going insane. I munch on a couple more cheetos before turning on the radio. I cant sleep anymore. I've ben sleeping on and off since we got on the raod, taking turn with Josh on who's drive and who's sleeping. I bob my head to the beat of the music and chew on my lip. I'm going crazy, I think to myself as I let the cool air blow on my face, drying the beads of seat the accumulated on my neck and forehead while I waited for Josh.

I can't help but smile when Taylor Swift's song 'I Knew You Were Touble' starts playing on the radio. This is the first good song I've heard on the radio all day. I start singing to the music and dancing in my seat, not paying attention to the chuckling coming from the drivers seat.

"Cause I knew you were touble when you walked in" I sing at the top of my lungs, smiling and bobing my head to the beat of the music.

"I didn't know you could sing." Josh says from the drivers seat. Damn, I forgot he was there. I probably loooked like an idiot singing into a pink sharpie I found on the floor of the car.

"You never asked." I say shrugging my shoulders and going back to my singing. "And the Saddest fear, comes creeping in. That you never loved me or her or anyone or anything, yeah"

"Causes I knew you were trouble when you walked in!" Josh starts to sing. I cringe as his voice hits my ears. Oh lord, please make him stop.

"No! You can't sing Josh, just no." I laugh at him and shake my head. At least there something he's not good at. I swear this kid is perfect.

"Please," Josh scoffs, "I have the voice of an angel!"

"More like a dying cat." I mumble and stuff another Cheetos in my mouth.

"What was that?"

"Huh?" I ask, Turing towards him and widening my eyes, trying to go for that innocent look. The bad look josh shoot to me tell me I didn't do a very good innocent look. Guess I'm going to have to work on that.

"What did you say?" Josh repeats again.

"Oh nothing, just that you sounded like a dying cat." I flash him a huge smile for some odd reason.

"I do not!" Josh gasp and puts his hand to his chest, faking being hurt. God, actors are so dramatic, I think with an eye roll.

"Sweetie, I'm going to tell you this once." I say placing a hand on Josh's firm shoulder, acting serious. "You can't sing. So please do us all a favor and shut up."

"That's mean."

I shrug and look out the window. "It's better than me lying and saying you sound like an angel."

"True, but-"

"Would you rather me lie to you?" I ask, whipping my head around to look at him.

"No, but-"

"Then I won't. I would never lie to you. There's no buts about it." I say, looking out the window. Lying is one of my pet peeves. I hate liars and I for one will never lie to somebody unless I have to.



Hey guys. Sorry this chapter is so short and boring! I've been busy with school. I'm trying to get my grades up plus I h e a school trip coming up Thursday and I'm Exhasted all the time!

Good news is, is that my very good friend Ally helped me thing of what to write for my next chapter of Taken! So that will be up as soon as I get done with it!

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Amber-Rose 💘

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