Chapter 24

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Josh's POV

It's been a month since Ivy's heard from Nick. And although I'm grateful that he hasn't tried to contact her, I can still tell she's scared.

I watch her on set and see how she looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to be following her. Any loud noises make her jump now, and worst of all, she barley speaks to anyone.

Most of the time when were not filming she'll be sitting in a corner staring off into space. Amber's been wondering what wrong with her and so has everybody else. Usually she's so energetic and sweet to everybody but now, you can see the dark circles under her eyes and she snaps at little things. Most people try to avoid her now.

The morning after the text message we both went to the director and demanded more security. He asked very little questions and doubled the security on everybody and on set. Now we can no longer go anywhere with out two security guards following us. You'd think it'd make Ivy feel more safe but it did just the opposite. We even installed locks on all the windows and extras on the door of the trailer.

"Ugh, I hate all this extra security! I can't even go into Victoria's Secret alone anymore." I hear Amber complain. "I mean it's super awkward have two guys in suits follow me when I want to buy thongs and bras. I mean, hello, privacy."

"I don't really mind. I mean, I heard that somebody was sending hate mail and the director totally freaked out." I hear Derek say. I roll my eyes and suppress a sigh. This is all anybody talks about anymore.

"Hate mail? What do you mean?" Amber ask, her hand clinched around her neck and her eyebrows pulled together.

"Yeah, some freak was sending mail to somebody saying they were going to kill them because they took the part from them or some crazy shit like that." Derek adds.

This time I do sigh, not loud enough for them to hear. I let my eyes wonder the room until I spot Ivy, sitting alone with the scrip clinched in her hand but her eyes wide and vacant. I bite my lip as I take in her appearance. Her hair is down and slightly messed up from the sense were doing to day, the one where Peter, Al and someone else tries to throw her over the chasm and I come and save her. Even from a distance I can see the small arch in her back and the dark circles under her eyes.

I get up and slowly walk over to her, knowing I should do something to comfort her.

"Ivy?" I say in a soft voice, I place my hand on her thin wrist, causing her to jump.

"Oh, Josh." He voice is lighter than normal, more vacant. I started noticing it the night after the text.

"How are you?" I ask lightly. I know the answer. She always says the same thing when somebody ask her this question.

"I'm fine. Just tired, that's all." Her eyes are brighter than they were yesterday. Maybe she's coming out of it, maybe she's realized that Nick can't do anything to her.

"Really? Do you want to go back to the trailer? We can have an early night?" I ask, toying with her thin fingers. Everything about her is different than it was when I first met her. She's thinner, over the past month she's survived off of Starbucks white chocolate mocha expressos and packs of crackers.

"Yeah. I think that would be good." Ivy says, a small smile playing at her lips. I can't help but grin back at her. It's been so long since even a trace of a smile made its way onto her plump lips.

"Okay, let me go talk to the director. See if maybe we can have an early day." I say. I give her a light kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking to where the director is talking to a camera man.

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