Chapter 1

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I step off the plane with a huge smile plastered to my face since I got the call five days ago. I couldn't wait to get to set and meet my new co-stars. When I got off the phone with my agentcy I quickly called my parents letting them know.  

"Mom, dad, I got the lead in a movie!" I screeched on the phone as I speed down the highway towards my job.

"Oh honey, this is huge!" my mom screeched back, surely clunching the phone to her ear.

"When do you leave?" my dad ask. I can't tell if he's happy for me or not. He's never been fond of my dream of becoming an actress. He thinks it's a waste of time, going to aditions almost all the time, and being a bartender on the side. He always wanted me to be a doctor or something. Never an actress.

"I start in a week." I say, not letting my father's beliefs ruin my good mood.

"Where are y'all filming?" my mom ask. I could hear the smile in her voice. She was happy that her baby girl's dreams where coming true.

"California." I pull into Blue Moon bar and park in the employee parking space. Turning off my car and getting out I hear my dad grumble something in the back ground. I roll my eyes as I walk in and wave to Mike, my boss.

"Well you've always wanted to go there."

"Yeah, um, I'm at work. I have to go." I say my goodbyes, promising to call later and fill her in on the weekends. I hang up and clock in just as it ticks to 7 O'Clock.  

The good thing about me not having to pay for my own plane ticket is that I wouldn't have been able to afford upper class. I don't even have to worry about grabbing my bags for the luggage check. My mom said she would drive me the rest of my things in a couple days.

I start walking and see someone holding a sigh with my name on it so I walk up to him.

"Um, I'm Ivy Rose." I give the guy a small smile as he takes me luggage from my hands

"Follow me ma'am, you car awaits." I follow the well dressed 50 year old man as we push our way through the crowd of people out to the parking lot. I pull out my sun glasses from my purse as we walk outside.

A little gasp excapes my lips when the old man walk to the trunk of a black limo and places me suit cases inside.

"Th-this is my ride?" I ask wincing at how high pitch my voice sounds. I look at the sleek black limo with wide eyes. I've always wonder what it would be like to ride in one.

"Yes ma'am. I was told with strick instructions to take you right to set." he says, never smiling, and opens the back door.

I walk over to the back door, in shock, ans slide in. I shiver a little as the back of my bare legs touches the cool leather of the seats. It was cool in the back compaired to outside. I look down at my honey tanner legs, bare from my black mini skirt. I pared it with a cute tight fit pink tank top and had my chest legnthed naturally blonde hair curled and pinned up to one side.  

Right before I went to get one the plain my friend, Kara, said I would fit right in with the people in Hollywood. She ment it as a compliment. Saying I would fit in with all the beautiful people living there. My big blue eyes famed by dark eyes lashed, honey tanned skin, toned body, big white smile that could make any guy drop to their knees, and naturally blonde hair makes me a shoe in in Hollywood.

I was going to miss her, she was always there for me when  didn't get the roll in a movie I wanted, when I got my heart broken. We'd been best friends since kindergarden. We were more than best friends. We were sisters. I promised I would skype her alteast one a week, twice at tops, she said she was just a phone call away if i needes her to kick some guy's ass if he so muched as looked at me the wrong way.

Kara had always been protective of me vis versua. When ever either one of us needed each other we'd be there, no matter if we were busy or not. We'd drop anything if something happened.

I look out the window as we drive down the highway. God, LA is beautiful. I don't know how anyone could not want to come here. I rest my head back on the seat and look at the ceiling of the car seeing a sun roof. I feel a smile creep across my face as I jump up of the seat and stick the top half of my body out of it.

I feel the warm breeze hit my face and lift my curly blonde hair from my shoulders and blow it behind me. My hair is going to be a mess by the time I get to set but I dont care. This is the feeling a freedom. Is this what it feels like to be flying? Becuse if it is, I would love a set of wings. I smile and throw my arms in the air and my head back closing my eyes. I love limos.

After a while my feet get tired so I lower my self down onto the seat. I brush my fingures through my curls, getting out all the tangles. I find a mirror and pull it out of my purse after a bit of shuffling and swip on some lip gloss, I check my teeth to make sure no bugs flew into them. I look at myself in the tiny mirror. Blue eyes shining bright from excitment and my honey tanned skin flushed. My blonde hair looked even blonder after getting some sun. Oh yeah, kara was right. I am going to fit right into Holloywood.

I feel the car stop and know we must be at the movie set. I bite my lip when I hear the front door open and close. Excitedment blubble in my stomach. I look over to the door just as it's opened. Pulling on my sunglasses and flinging my purse on my shoulder I step out of the cool limo and on to the grounds that's going to change my life forever.

Today is the first day of my new life.

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