Chapter 30

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"How?" I whisper, looking at the figure in the doorway. "How did you find me?"

"After you got put in the hospital by that douche you use to date, I went back to your trailer and put small GPS tracker in all your shoes." I watch my dad walk across the room to me. "It's not that I didn't trust you baby, but I wanted to make sure you were safe, at all times."

"Thank you." I whisper, a small tear making its way down my cheek. All this time, I thought my dad hated me, for being with Nick, and for choosing to be an actress. But he was just watching out for me.

"Anytime baby." my dad smiles down at me, "Now we have to get you out of here. Where did Nick go?"

"I don't know. I asked him to get me ice and medicine for my ribs. He's been gone ever since." I watch my dad pull out a knife and cut the rope for my wrist, a line of raw flesh is the only sign of the ropes ever being there.

"How long ago was that?"

"About 10 minutes, I think." I grab my dads arm as I stand up, wincing in pain. "How are we going to get out of here? Nick probably has a ton of guys somewhere in the building."

"Take this, and follow me." I grab the knife from my dads hands and quickly follow him out of the room. Just outside the door, a body is laying on the floor.

"Oh, god. Is he dead?" I ask, covering my mouth and staring the the pool of blood on the floor.

"No. By the time the cops and paramedics get here, he'll need blood, but I didn't shoot to kill." I look up at my dad with wide eye. I never even knew he knew how to shoot a gun. I thought he hated guns. "We have to get out of here. Follow me."

I grab my dad's arm and follow him down the hall, we round a corner. This hall is lighter than the first. Further down the hall I see another body. I suck in a breath as we walk past, remembering what my dad said.

"The door is just beyond this corner. We're almost there." I nod my head and hold tighter on the knife. Just as we round the corner, I hear the distinct sound of flesh hitting flesh. My dad let's out a groan of pain before lunging forward, his arm ripping out of my grasp.

"Dad!" I scream, covering my mouth as I watch Nick punch my dad in the face. I take a step forward to help my dad out just as my foot hits into something. I look down the see my dad gun on the floor. I slowly lean down and pick it up.

If I learned anything in the past couple years, it's how to shoot a gun, just in case Nick ever did try something stupid. I click the safety off and aim at Nick, just as he puts my dad in a head lock.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Nick snarls, a small trail of blood coming from his nose and mouth. One of his eyes are already bruising. "Put the gun down, or I'll snap his neck."

"Don't do it." I look at my dad, with his face bloody and bruised and let out a small sob. He risked his life to come save me. I can't let him die.

"Put the gun down, Ivy. You know I'll do it." I look at Nick, he's a good foot or two taller than my dad. His hair, for once isn't perfect, but his eyes, his eyes are still cold. The color of coal but as cold as ice. He'd kill me and my dad if he has the chance, and I can't let that happen.

I look at my dad, begging him with my eyes to understand, to understand what I have to do. I aim the gun and shoot. I watch as both my dad and Nick fall to the ground.

"Daddy!" I sob, running over to him. I hear sirens off in the distance. "Daddy, I'm so sorry."

"Ivy?" I sob and press my hands to his shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I'm here. Just hang on. The police are almost here. Please just hang on." I sob.

"Ivy, I'm sorry for the way I treated you at the hospital. And for not supporting you."

"Shh, it's okay. We'll talk about this later. I promise. Please just stay awake." I hear a car pull up outside. "The police are almost here."


"Daddy, keep you eyes open. Please! Daddy please, stay awake." I sob, pressing down onto his shoulder harder.

"Police! Everybody put you hands up!" I look up to see six officers come through the door, their guns raised.

"Please, he's needs a doctor. Please save him!" I sob. I can't lose my dad, not after everything. I just can't.

"Ivy Rose?"

"Yes, please help my dad."

"The paramatices are on their way."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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