Chapter 4

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It's hot, too hot. I throw the blanks off of me and roll over only to come in contact with a wall of skin. I slowly open my eyes and see someone bare back in front of me. Who's in my bed? And how did they get into my trailer? I sit up and look around to see a pair of boots thrown by the door and a white t-shirt and jeans laying on the floor.

I look down at myself and breath a sigh of relief, I still have all my clothes on. I carefully slip out of my bed and tiptoe towards the door.

"Shit." I jab my toe on the boots laying on the floor and hear the guy moan behind me. I look over my shoulder and watch the guy roll over to his back and I get a view of his face. Josh? I tiptoe closer to the bed and look at him sleeping. God he looks so cute sleeping. His face is relaxed and flawless, his eyelashes leave tiny shadows on his cheek and his dark hair is sticking up in different direction. I cover my mouth with my hand and let out a quiet laugh.

I bit my lip and vaguely wonder how Josh ended up topless wearing only boxers in my bed. Not that I'm complaining. I walk out of my room into the kitchen trying to remember what happened last night. I make a pot of coffee and go into the living room and sit down on the plush leather couch that was provided. I turn on the TV and flick through the channels until I land on Criminal Minds. I watch for about twenty minutes before i get up and head to the kitchen. I curse under my breath when I open the fridge only to find it empty. I guess I'm going shopping today.

Sighing I walk into my room and grab some shorts and a tank from a box and head to the shower, smiling when I walked into see that I put all my bathroom supplies in here last night before I went to the beach. Atleast I got something unpacked yesterday. I strip down and take a fast shower before dressing and walking out. I pull my wet hair into a messy bun.

"Good morning." I jump when I enter the living room to see Josh sitting on the couch in his boxers. Damn he looks good. I let my pervert eyes roam his body, from his flawless face, to his six pack, all the way down to his feet and back. Damn they should make clothes illegal for guy like him.

"What?" I look up at Josh's confused expression and give him a weird look.


"You muttered something about clothes and illegal." Josh smirks, I look down blushing and shrug my shoulders. I can't believe I said that out loud.

"Tell me." I look up and smirk.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I watch him smirk back and get up. I bit my lip and try to keep my eyes from wondering. Boys in boxers are just irritable, but Josh Hutcherson in boxers is just teasing a girl.

"Please tell me." I look up at him as he stops right in front of me only giving us about an inch apart. All I would have to do is lean up on my toes and I'd be able to touch my lips to his.

"No." I whisper resist the urge to press my lips to his. I watch him take a tiny step forward and put his hands on my hips.

"Please?" I feel his breath tickle my face. I look up at him through my eye lashes and see lust fill his eyes. I put my hands on his shoulders and press my body to his before putting my mouth right in front of his ear.

"You have morning breath." I whisper before removing his hands from my hips before grabbing my purse and walking out the door with a small smirk on my lips.


Josh's POV

I watch Ivy walk out the door, amusement and shock written on my face. Is she always such a tease? I was so close to kissing her. I want to know what it would feel like to have her full lips pressed to mine. I shake my head and walk back to her room with a small smile tugging at my lips.

I could've sworn she said 'clothes should be illegal on him' but I'm not completely sure. I throw my wrinkled shirt on and jeans before grabbing my boots and heading out of the room. I turn off my TV on the way out of Ivy's trailer and walking over to mine. I can't believe she told me I have morning breath! I do not have morning breath! I put my hand over my mouth and breath out, wincing when my breath hits my nose. Yup, morning breath.

I quickly brush my teeth and head out. I look for my leather jacket but remember that I left it in Ivy's trailer. Sighing I walk over the Ivy's place and try the door, noticing it's unlocked and walking in. I freeze when I see someone sitting on the couch watching TV. The person's too big to be Ivy, plus Ivy had blonde hair not black.

"Who are you?" I ask and watch the guy snap his head over to look at me.

"I could ask the same thing, but of course I know who you are." the guy smirks and stands up. Damn how tall is this guy?

"Who are you?" I ask again, trying to keep the annoyed tone out of my voice.

"Nick." I watch him take a step forward, and smirk when I take a tiny step back. Who is this guy and why is he in Ivy's trailer? I look at his spiked black hair, tanned skin, and black eyes and can tell he's not a good guy.

"Well what are you doing in my trailer Nick?"

"I thought this was Ivy's trailer, but then again, she never was this girly." I watch him thrust his hand out around the room and I look around seeing a pair of heel lay by the TV and a caribbean blue blanket lay across the back of the couch. A small shirt lays on the floor from when Ivy changed last night and pink fuzzy slippers lay by the couch.

"My mom came to stay with me." I shrug and grab the heels and slippers and throw them in Ivy's room and grabbing my leather jacket from the back of a fuzzy chair sitting by the flat screen TV.

"Sure. So the famous Josh Hutcherson, doing a movie with my girlfriend. She must be so pleased, she always loved you." Ivy has a boyfriend? This is news, but of course I just met the girl yesterday.

"I guess." I shrug. "Look I have places to be, what do you want?"

"Hmm, not the sweet American boy everybody says you are." I just shrug again and keep a glare from slipping on my face. Usually I try to be nice, but this guy is getting in my nerves.

"I came here to see my girlfriend, and find my trailer." he smirks making me clench my jaw.

"Your Trailer?" I ask keeping my face blank. Please don't tell me I'm going to be working with this guy.

"Yeah, my trailer. They told me I could share one with Ivy. I know she'd just love that." I clench my jaw and hold on tighter to my jacker so I don't punch the smirk off this guys face. He's lying, Ivy wouldn't want him to stay with her, she probably hates this guy.

"Well you got the wrong trailer. Now get out." I say and point to the door.

"Make me." I smirk at him, just because he maybe taller than me doesn't mean that he's stronger. I've worked years building muscle to play Peeta in The Hunger Games, and now to play Four in Divergent. I could beat this guy and not even have to try, but then the director would get mad because one of his actors got into a fight with someone else and messed up one of his other actor's face.

"It's my trailer, now get out. I have places to be." I growl. I can tell that the next six months is going to be harder than I thought. Never in my life have I meet someone that has gotten under my skin so quickly. I usually try to get along with my co-stars, and normally it works out. There's only been one time that someone has ever gotten on my nerves, and this is that one time.

"Fine, I will when you tell me where Ivy's trailer is." I try to keep the smirk off me face, if only this guy knew that he was standing in her trailer now.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Someone said that you walked her to her trailer yesterday, so you do know."

"Well I don't" Gosh, can't this guy just leave already. His nasty smelling cologne is giving me a migraine. I watch him take a step closer so he towers over me.

"Yes, you do." I just smirk at him and cross my arms over my chest. Does this guy think he can intimidate me just because he's taller than me? I watch Nick scowl at me causing me smirk even more, out of the corner of my eye I watch him bring his fist up when an angry voice sounds out.

"What are you doing here, Nick?"

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