Chapter 3

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Flustered I put down the script I've been reading over. I just can't concentrate on the bright orange highlighter that marked my lines. I couldn't get Ivy out of my head. How had I never heard or seen her before? She was Hollywood material through an through. Her honey tanned skin, toned body, golden blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and stunning smile that could make a guys knees go weak. She couldn't possibly be new? Could she?

I couldn't get her full lips and teasing smile out of my head. The way she leaned forward to whisper in my ear making me dizzy as her perfume hit my nose. Her hot breathe on my skin caused tingles to go through my body.

I sit up from the bed and put down my script, sighing. Ivy's going to be a distraction I could already tell. But a good distraction, a very good one. Getting up I go fetch a glass of ice water and drink a huge gulp before grabbing my script and leather jacket. Maybe heading over to the beach will clear my head.

I grab my motorcycle keys and head out the door. I can't help but glance at Ivy's trailer and wonder what's she doing. Is she unpacking? Reading over the script? Thinking about me? My heart flutters a little just thinking about it. Would she be thinking of me? Her earlier words coming to my mind.

"Well most girls grew up watching your movies. From Little Manhattan to The Hunger Games. Their parents know about you because their daughters love you. You have a bunch of hutchers all around the world, Josh."

Is she a hutcher? Did she grow up watching my movies? Could her parents know me only because she loves me as an actor?

I shake my head and jump on my motorcycle. I need to get her out of my head. I kick my bike on and feel the familiar rush of adrenaline sing through my veins before taking off. I feel the wind hit my face through my helmet and smile. I love my motorcycle. I feel my hair slip around my forehead and my jacket and shirt blow up and around my body. I couldn't help but think this is the best feeling in the world.


Sitting on the beach is one of my favorite things to do. It clear my head just listening to the salty waves crash onto the shore. I take off my flip flops, squish my toes into the warm sand and letting out a big sigh. God I could get use to living in California.

Putting on my sun glasses, I pull out my script from my purse and flip through it. Skimming over the pink highlighted words on the papers. Gosh this movie is going to be hard. How am I suppose to memorize all these lines? I've never had the lead in a single school play, always minor parts that only made me remember about a paragraph. I sigh again and slowly read through my script. I might as well start now. I can't screw this up.


I look up at the sound of my name and turn around, dropping my jaw. Josh stood about ten feet from my wearing a pair of old wore jeans, that fit him very nicely I might add and a white v-neck t-shirt under a leather jacket. Did he ride his motorcycle here? I notice he's holding something and a vaguely wonder if he was coming here to read over his script.

"Are you following me now?" I tease when I'm finally able to speak. I can't believe I'm talking to Josh Frickin' Hutcherson. Of all people that could've gotten the part as Four it had to be my celebrity crush? Not that I minded.

"No, I came to clear my head. And go over the script." I see a faint mark of pink in his cheeks. I watch him walk over to wear I am and sit down beside me. I turn back around and look out to the sea.

"Funny, that's what I was doing." I say. "That and mentally freaking out" I whisper under my breathe.

"Why are you freaking out?" Josh ask, giving me a weird look. God, am I really sitting so close to Josh Hutcherson that I can see the green flecks in his eyes? I'm such a lucky girl. What did I do in a pass life to deserve this amazing opportunity?

"Oh you know, it's a lot of lines to memorize." I shrug, sound way more confident them I feel. I bite my lip and look down at the sand, I can feel the heat radiating off of Josh, sending tingles up the right part of my body.

"You'll do fine. You wouldn't have gotten the part if Tom didn't believe you can do it." I can't help but smile at Josh. He's so nice. Who knew that a kid that grew up doing movie after movie in a town like LA would be so sweet. You'd expect them to be total snobs. Like Paris Hilton is when she gets the wrong milk in her coffee.

"I hope he made a good decition." I sigh and lay back in the warm sand. I see Josh looking at me out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm sure he did. Tom's never chosen wrong." he smiles and lays down beside me.

"Will you help me?" I ask and look over at him. I needed someone's help and who better than my co-star?

"Sure. It'll help us get use to each other and stuff." Josh shrugs and gives me a heart stopping smile. I have to mentally slap myself so I don't lean over and kiss him.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you." I smile. I watch his smile grow wider before he sits up and looks out into the ocean.

"So when do you want to run over our lines?" he asks as he runs his hands over the sand leaving lines and grooves.

"Right now?"

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