The Grand Chief

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A Tribute Poem to Sir Michael Somare, Grand Chief and Founding Father of Papua New Guinea.



The sky was at war
A turmoil of red and orange
They burned against each other
Fusing, twisting, morphing
It burnt Their eyes to watch
Their anguish reflected in the sky

But amidst the chaos
And oppression
He emerged
Amongst the pile and ruble of desolation
When he spoke
His voice echoed

Even to the highest mountains
Where fog clings to the earth
Among dense trees

Even to the furthest region's
Washing ashore
On euphoric sunset beaches

Even to the lowest plains
It danced with the wildflowers
And the clear forest

Everything his voice touched
Turned gold
Infused with his passion
And his resilience

He spoke for our Nation
He spoke against Injustice
He spoke against Oppression
He spoke against Discrimination
He spoke against Violation

He led a whole nation
A nation unique
In all it's intricate
and diverse cultural ways

And when His feet grew tired
And His fighting soul weary
He resigned
To sit amongst Kings and Queens

That day
Once again the sky was at war
Clouds disarray
Bleeding into the night

They mourned the loss of a King
In the highest mountains
In the furtherest regions
In the lowest plains

But hush
Linger in the sombre silence
For just a moment
You could still hear the echoes of His voice

Now may
Rest in
Eternal Peace

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