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This world is not for me
It's for adventurers
who live for the thrill
It's for food lovers
who taste the universe on their tongues
It's for starcross lovers
whose hearts break yet they still love
It's for hypocrites
who do and live as they objectify
It's for free spirits
who dance with the wind and stars
It's for those who love nature and see the beauty in everything
As for me
I am brittle to the bone
Yet I am as smooth as a storm
And hard cut like diamond
People like me
We sit here and brew coffee within this kaleidoscope of time
Carefree and ever nonchalant
What lays in the dark may not be seen
Yet when there is light little is appreciated
We appreciate what is easily disregarded
The small moments you cherish
As infinite as you dream
Though ever elusive
Grasp onto it
As for people like me
We take pleasure in observing
Watching life unfold before our eyes
Like passengers on a train
Watching the livid passing scenery
Some with awe struck faces
Others with bleak indifferent eyes
We go reeling through these midnight streets
Our skin catching fire under the fluorescent lights

We are like stars
Ever so distant
Yet visible
Creatures of the nocturnal hours of the night
And when the world is asleep
We brew our coffee

dancing in the dark //poetry//Where stories live. Discover now