prickled skins and bruised hearts

29 4 0

Oh how incurable your ego is
Such fiery tongue
Could you rival the heat of the burning sun?
It'd be no match
You'd freeze it
I bet you are not aware of that
That you'd shatter everything
With a firm touch

Your eye's are like knives
Sharp and diamond cut
Toxic words
Borne from your breathe
And spill from cocky lips

You'd have done any feat
Soared the skies
Walked over the seas
Guffawed in the face of death

Your heart
Is darker than an abyss
And your soul
Is alight with flames
It blazes with such staggering heat
Your fuel is rage
And that itself
Is infinite in your arsenal

Your skin is prickled
And your heart is bruised

Sit still won't you?
Let me heal you

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