the last letter

9 1 0

Forgive me,
lover, friend, family and muse
I don't mean to be this way
the switch off happens so fast
one minute
we're laughing together
I'm lost in your warmth
and happy in this space
free with you; forever
The next
I'm empty and cold inside
my charred bones decrepit
everything becomes monochromatic
and I'm curled up in my bed
staring at nothing
with the same song on repeat

Forgive me,
lover, friend, family and muse
Nothing's wrong
with how you love me
it feels like a warm pie
or a slice of my favorite cake
or the feeling of rain on my fragile skin
you are kind
too kind for me
you're perfect
there's nothing wrong with you

Forgive me,
lover, friend, family and muse
It's me
I'm broken somewhere
or perhaps everywhere
I try to be happy
for you
to deserve your love
to deserve you
I tried to love me
just like you do
but it's no use
I always end up here
in this dark silent room
with nothing but my destructive thoughts
I'm a coward
I'm a sinner
I am my own bane
so please
Forgive me,
lover, friend, family and muse
For what I have done

dancing in the dark //poetry//Where stories live. Discover now