Not As It Seems

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I reached forward
Hands held out
Palms open, kneading, grasping
I reached out to hold
The fleeting sun
It escaped from my grasp
Sunlight filtering through
my shaking fingers
I couldn’t hold onto it
Like you, it eluded me
It didn’t matter that
I wanted to be
Drenched in its warm light
It disappeared over the horizon
And I was left in the dark
Alone, scared-needing the sun
-needing you
I stumbled in the darkness
Nothing made sense
Everything was dark; like a void
I felt like
I was swept into a black hole
Then my eyes focused
And then I saw it
I didn’t need the sun
To see in the dark
The moon guided me
I was in its blisssful twilight
Skin lit up by the moonlight
You were not my eternal light
But just a passing sun

dancing in the dark //poetry//Where stories live. Discover now