Chapter 7

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It had been a week, I was still mad at Louis. Millie didn't talk to him either once she found out what had happened. Even the thought of him made me want to scream. I hated him. I was never going to forgive him. Never.

After the fight, me and Will talked for ages about what was going to happen with us and we decided to continue as we were. Sometimes when i would look at him i would get flashbacks of his beaten and bloodied face. I hated seeing him like that, weak and defenceless. I was mad about how useless i was. Every time i thought about it I felt my eyes water, the tears fighting to roll endlessly down my cheeks.

Today. I was at Will's, we had been to each other's houses before so it was nothing too special. I just needed to see him, be near him. All we would do is lay in bed, cuddle and play on the xbox. I would always beat him on Fifa.

Lying in bed, my head rested on his chest while i lightly scratched his arms with my long nails. He would always tell me how much he liked it. ,

I happily sighed.


I turned.


He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You know you're going to have to get off me soon right, I need to shower."

I moaned, "noooo"

He laughed while lifting my head onto the pillow.

"I'll be back in a sec. "

Jumping up from the bed he made his way to his bedroom door and waited near the door frame.

"Don't miss me too much."

I through a pillow at him and giggled. He laughed and continued to the bathroom.

I missed him. It had only been a second and I already longed for him to walk back through the door and jump back into bed. As I was scrolling through tik tok, Wills phone vibrated next to me.

His phone lit up with a new notification. I knew it was none of my business who it was but I couldn't help checking, Louis' warning was playing cruelly in the back of my mind. What if..? I was being irrational. I was not going to let Louis get inside my head. I left the phone where it was and continued to scroll. Ping. Why would it matter if i looked? I just want to see if its urgent so i can tell Will to text them back. I picked up he phone. Dean texting him.

He had never mentioned a Dean. I got even more paranoid.

I opened his phone. Who was Dean? Why did he never mention him? I opened the notification.

My heart dropped.

I scrolled up.



Hey just checking in everything ok? Xx

Yes fine, girlfriend is coming over. text you later? Xx

Okay, text me when she leaves and I'll be right over xx

Ok, she's here now, see you later. Xx

Ok xx


Has she gone yet? Xx

I froze. I couldn't cry.I wouldn't cry. I wasn't stupid i knew that sometimes guys put boys names for girl contacts so their girlfriend wouldn't suspect anything. I felt my eyes starting to swell. No. I wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of knowing it hurt me.

I kept scrolling and scrolling on the messages. He came into the room, he looked happy. Why was he smiling? How could he stand there grinning at me, he was just waiting for me to go before he could bring the next girl round? Was everything he had said to me a lie? Did he love me or was he lying about that to? I continued to look at his phone.

His happy face darkened with worry.

W: "What?"

Choking back the tears i replied:

Y: "Who's Dean?

W: "What? What are you talking about?"

He acted so defensive.

Y: "Don't you dare lie to me. Who is he? Or should I say her?"

He didn't even have the decency to look me in the eye.

Y:"I'm done"

I throw his phone onto his bed and stormed out barging past his shoulder on the way.

He chased after me.

Y: "Why? Why did you do it? I was good to you, i was so fucking good to you."

Y: "Please tell me."

Y: "Tell me Will"

W: "I don't know." he said looking at the floor.

I angrily laugh.

Y: "You cheat on me and your explanation is you don't know!"

"You know what fuck you, and fuck her. Please go ahead, meet up with her. I wont be there to stop you."

I stormed out of his house and onto the street. I couldn't breathe. I felt like the air was thinning. I needed to get away. I started to run. I needed to get away. Away from him. I held in the waterfall that was about to rush from my eyes as I wasn't going to let him have any affect on me. I ran and ran until i reached Millie's.

On the verge of tears, I rushed up the stairs.

I shouted, "Millie!"

She didn't answer.

Y: "Millie"

I stopped at the top.

L: "She's not here."

My eyes were glazed with tears. I knew he could see it.

"What happen-"

I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach. I placed my head into his chest.

I sobbed.

"There's another girl." I could barely get the words out.

He held onto my head while wrapping his other arm around my shoulders.There was something so comforting about the way hugged me. I felt safe. Protected.

He lifted my face up. He gently tucked my hair behind my ear.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay."

He gently pushed my head back into his chest and hugged me tighter.

I continued to sob uncontrollably and he continued to hold me.

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