Chapter 4

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London was always prettiest at night. I liked how the lights from each building lit up the sky and streets and how everything was more quiet then in the day. I was so lucky to live here. 

 The date was going well, we never seemed to run out of things to say to each other. It felt like I had known him for years. Will had taken me to a pizza restaurant downtown, he said it was one of the best places to eat in London, I told him I would be the judge of that. To be honest the pizza was really good so i'd give him that. Although he was being quite the gentleman through out the night He did, however, make fun of the fact that I removed the mozzarella cheese off my pizza. It wasn't my fault i was born with the hatred of cheese.

When we had finished eating I offered to pay, but him being the thoughtful person he is he paid for the both of us. When the waitress came over with the bill, I tried to give her my credit card but  Will held my hand to the table making me unable to pay. Proud of himself a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he gave his card to the waitress without letting go of my hand.

The meal had been payed for and we made our way to the door but as we were walking out he says:

"No no, ladies first."

Pushing the door and struggling to open it, he soon realised that you had to pull instead of push.

W: "I need to pull, don't i."

Y: "Yes," I laughed.

After us nearly wetting ourselves for about 5 minutes we finally made it out of the door.

We walked side by side down the London streets, Will told me about me about his family and how he is actually ⅛ greek. I told him about my mum and how I never really knew her. I told him about my Dad and how he has to go away sometimes. I don't normally tell people these things, but he seemed different. Like I could trust him.

We walked a little longer until we got to the bridge. Crossing over the Thames i felt his hand slightly touch mine, again and again until he connected his hand with mine. After walking over the long bridge we had finally got to the middle. I decided to stay in the middle and look out onto the dark water. He joined me, and held onto the bridge rails. 

W: "How old were you when she died?"

Looking out onto the water i replied:

Y: "I was about 10"

W: "i'm so sorry y/n."

Y: "it's fine, you wanna know something?"

He smiled. 

W: "what?"

Y: "I think she would've liked you."

He smiled again and turned to look at me.

W: "how come?"

Y: "You have the same type of humour."

W: "She must have had a great one then."

We laughed. 

Once the laughter had died down I turned to face him, we were so close now. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. He slowly started coming closer and closer. He kept looking from my lips then back to my eyes over and over again. My heart was beating faster. Cautiously, I leaned in. I felt his lips connect with mine. He kissed me.

Gently, he pulled away. I didn't know how to speak or breathe. 

He smiled and took my hand. He rubbed my hand with his thumb and carried on walking. It was perfect. I couldn't wait to tell Millie. 

He walked me home and dropped me off at Millie's. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay right there with him. As i took a few steps towards Millie's back gate i felt his hand slowly drift from mine. I missed his touch already.

W: "goodnight."

I smiled.

Y: "Goodnight"

I closed the back gate and walked towards Millie's back door. As I entered through the door, I saw Steve sipping his tea waiting for me to come home. Stepping inside he lowered his mug from his mouth and smiled.  I knew what conversion I was about to get and was dreading it.

S:"Sooo.. how was it?"

Y: "Good.."

S: "Is that all i'm getting? Good.?"

Y: "Yes"

S: "I'll let you be then, just wanted to see you got here safe."

I smiled.

Y: "Goodnight"

S: "Goodnight" he chuckled while sipping his tea.

I walked up the staircase to go to Millie's room to tell her what had happened but before i could reach her bedroom Louis stopped me.

L: "How was it?"

He crossed his arms.

Y: "It was good, very good actually."

L: "Let me guess he took you to the 'best pizza restaurant in town'?"

I was confused. How did Louis know exactly where we went?

Y: "yes... Why would that matter?"

L: "it doesn't i guess, he just seems to like that place a lot. His ex definitely liked it. "

His what? Why would he take me to a place him and his ex used to go to? I was being irrational Louis was just trying to wind me up, I'm sure it was just a coincidence. 

L: "goodnight y/n"

I was going to take no notice of what Louis had said, he was being a dick.

Me and Millie stayed up most of the night as i had to explain what happened between me and Will. She screamed when i told her that he kissed me. i'm pretty sure the whole house had heard it. After explaining the whole date and every moment we had fallen asleep on Millie's bed.

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