Chapter 14

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It was my birthday! Every year me and Millie would have a joint party together as we were so close in birthdays, I am 9 days older than her which is ridiculous as she is way more mature than I am. Previously our parties had been small, only a couple of friends were invited but this year that was going to change. We decided for our 17th we were going to have a big house party, everyone was invited. The partridges didn't mind having one at theirs but they expected the house to be all cleaned up when they got home the next day. Our whole year was invited including people from Louis' year. We were drinking of course, Louis said he would get us the drinks. It was going to be amazing. What could go wrong?

Everyone was arriving at 10pm which meant that me and Millie had 3 hours to get ready. We were going to look so good. I had bought this black princess polly dress and Millie had bought a pink one which I picked out for her. She turned on her favourite playlist as we started to get ready at mine.

She came round with her hair freshly washed and shaven with a towel around her head and a robe around her body. I don't think boys ever understand how long it truly takes for girls to shave. I blow dried her hair and straightened it for her and Millie did the same for me. Millie was sitting on my floor looking in the long mirror doing her makeup and I was on my vanity. After what felt like hours of getting ready we finally slipped on our dresses put on our heels and made it over to Millie's.

Bending around the corner anxiously waiting to see who came, everyone was standing in a semi circle waiting for us to come through the door. It was dark so most of the faces I couldn't make out. All of my year screamed

"Happy birthday Millie and Y/n!"

Party poppers went off, Everyone started cheering as we were walking in. I greeted everyone and said how grateful I was for them to come. Mostly everyone is drunk/tipsy, with a few people in clusters standing inside either making out, dancing somewhere, drinking or just talking. The occasional drunk person may be stumbling around. I didn't even know half of these people. I played beer pong with my friends. I lost each game and made a fool of myself, lets just say Millie and me on a team is either a really good thing or really bad thing. Millie was drinking shot after shot, i stopped at around 5 as i didn't want to get too fucked. We were dancing, singing and laughing all night.

I hadn't seen Louis yet. I wondered where he was. I climbed up the stairs and dodged people while doing so. I even had to get really close to a couple making out. It wasn't very pleasant as I was disturbingly close. I made my way to Louis' room hoping he'd be in there. I opened the door to see a boy on top of a girl on Louis' bed, with clothes on (thank god). I froze in embarrassment.

"Oh.. Umm sorry."

I slammed the door and my mouth flung over my mouth. I didn't know what to do, feel embarrassed, disgusted or just laugh. I giggled and backed away from the door feeling myself bump into someone.

I turned around to see Louis.

He smiled.

L: "Why are you laughing while coming out of my room?"

Y: "You should see for yourself."

He opened the door. The guy was now shirtless on his bed while making out with this girl. Louis stormed in, throwing the t-shirt at the guy.

"L: What the fuck. Get out!"

They got up abruptly and ran out while the guy was trying to put his shirt on. Louis looked at me like he had just seen a ghost and we both broke out laughing.

L: "Ew, i am not sleeping in that bed until those sheets are washed."

I laughed.

He came up to me and grabbed my hand.

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