Chapter 8

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I hadn't talked about him for weeks. I thought about him all the time, but I didn't speak about him. I know I shouldn't and I can't, but I missed him. Why was I always drawn to the people who hurt me? Most of me hated him. But the tiny part wasn't ready to let go. It's hard letting go of someone you shared your deepest secrets with, someone who understood you and someone who you felt you had a deep connection with.

Millie has always been there for me. When I needed her most she laid by my side wiping the tears from my face and feeding me ice cream. I understood how lucky I was to have her. She was everything to me. I have now learnt that best friends come over boys any day.

Louis. We had gotten closer, closer than we ever were. After crying on him for hours, I felt like we had created a new friendship. he had been so kind to me for the past couple weeks and made me feel a lot better. I remember that on the day after I found out that Will cheated on me Millie had to go to her tutor's and she left me alone at her house, it was fine though as Louis kept me company. He took me to Pizza Express and paid for everything. He had started to grow on me. I know that some of the things that he did were unforgivable but he did them for the right reasons. He was just warning me and he was right to warn me. He had changed, to me he wasn't Millie's older brother anymore, he had turned into a close friend. He was so kind to me and has been ever since that night.

Millie thought it would be a good idea to make cookies and of course i agreed. It had been a few weeks now and I was over him. I didn't need cheering up. He had cheated and that was that. He was nothing to me, a waste of my time. I don't know why I felt regret every time i talked about him. I knew that I shouldn't want him, but I did. Or I didn't. I don't know.

Me and Louis waited on the kitchen counter while we waited for Millie to scream the ingredients we needed to make the cookies. With Millie in charge this was going to be very serious work, if me or Louis messed up we'd probably be sent out of the kitchen for time out.

It had started.

"y/n sugar, chocolate chips, flour."

I rushed to the pantry.

"Louis butter, eggs, muscovado sugar."

He sprinted to the pantry.

About to open the pantry door, he budged me over so he could get in there first. He smirked.

Smiling, I rolled my eyes. He finally got out of the pantry so I could get my ingredients. I placed my ingredients on the kitchen counter while Millie examined the ingredients.

M: "Louis! What is that?"

L: "What is what?"

M: "What type of sugar is that?"

L: "umm... brown why?

M:"BROWN? I said muscovado sugar, not brown!"

L: "Does it matter?"

M: "YES"

I sarcastically frowned.

Y: "Better luck next time"

He chuckled.

Millie started putting the ingredients into a bowl. Me and Louis watched, we wouldn't dare help just in case we messed it up.

M: "Louis put the flour back in the pantry."

L: "Ok, Miss bossy"

Millie hated being called bossy. She scowled at him.

Moaning he grabbed the flour. I felt like he was planning something. Walking past me, he threw the flour onto my shirt. My arms flew out and I froze. I couldn't believe he had just done that.

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