chapter 18

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Millie was still not talking to me. I missed her, everything was different without her. I had tried to apologise every chance I got but she just ignored me. I wanted to tell her how much I had fucked up and how much I loved her. Louis tried to make up for her not being here but as much as he tried it wasn't the same.

Me and Louis were in town together. He took me out for ice cream to cheer me up. He knew how much not talking to Millie was stressing me out. I needed a break, a walk to clear my mind. We had barely spoken. I knew if we started talking it would end up talking about her and this was supposed to be a break from the stress so i just kept eating.

L: "y/n i know you don't wanna talk about it bu-"

Y: "Louis please, if I mention her I'll just start crying and stressing again. Tell me about something, what's been going on recently. Anything."

L: "y/n.."

Y: "Louis please."

L: "Y/n."

He turned me around to face two girls walking down the street. Millie and Amara.

Y: "Shit. "

I watched her as she walked with Amara. She was laughing and she looked happy. Very happy. It must of effected me more then it did her. They both had one air pod in as they listened to music. Me and Millie did that. That was our thing. She would put her playlist on and i'd complain. I missed that. I missed her. 

Y: "You know what I'm going to go over there."

Louis gently grabbed my arm. 

L: "are you sure you want to do this now?"

Y: "yes i need to otherwise i might not get another chance."

he smiled.

L: "okay, good luck."

I walked over.I was nervous. This could end very badly but it was worth it. I tapped her on the shoulder and as she noticed who it was he face darkened with anger. She turned to face me.

M: "What do you want? Oh yeah i know, my brother."

Y: "Millie please can we just talk about this privately."

M: "No, I don't wanna go anywhere with you."

Y: "Fine then i'll just say it here then. Look i am sorry that you found out this way. I never meant for you to find out like that, we were going to tell you. I am so sorry that i didn't tell you sooner, i was just scared of what you would think. "

M: "What, you think a pathetic apology is going to solve it?"

Y:"No but i'm trying to tell you that I can't express how sorry i am and I miss you."

M: "I don't care y/n."

Y:"So you're telling me after 10 years of friendship you just want to throw it all away because i'm dating your brother?"

M: "Yes y/n because who dates their best friend's brother? Especially without telling them. I might have been okay with it but you didn't ask me did you."

Y: "yes i didn't ask you and i'm sorry that i never told you, why can't you understand that?"

L: "No i don't understand why did you think it was okay in the first place. I guess we're even now."

Y: "what do you mean?"

M: "Because I fucking kissed will."

Amara and I were shocked.

Louis shouted "YOU WHAT? I'm gonna fucking kill him."

M: "Yeah I fucking kissed him. How does it feel y/n?"

L: "Millie i swear to fuck. Get home now."

M: "No. What are you gonna do? Fuck y/n?"

L"It is none of your business who i date, okay? Not that it's any of your business but i really like y/n more then i ever have ever thought possible and if you were a good sister you would realise that and stop this arguing."

Louis walked off.

I knew it wasn't the time but i couldn't stop blushing.  

Y: "We are not done Millie."

I walked off to try and catch him.

I called his name over and over but he wouldn't listen to me. I had never seen him so angry.

Y: "Louis, wait."

He kept on walking, I didn't know where he was trying to go. I paused on the path. Shit. He's going to Will's. I rushed over to him.

"Louis Stop."I shouted.

I held his face with my two hands trying to get him to calm down. He didn't look at me, he continued to look to the side avoiding eye contact with me.

Y: "Please don't do this."

Louis looked at me.

L: "I told him if he ever laid a finger on anyone I love again he'd be dead. I'm sorry y/n but he can't just keep screwing us over again and again."

He pulled his face away from my hands and continued walking. I begged him to not do it but he wouldn't listen. He had zoned me out completely. There was only so much I could do before we got to Will's.

He stormed into Will's front gate and knocked on the door.

He opened it.

Louis swung for his face and knocked him to the ground.

L: "That's for my sister."

He grabbed Will's collar making him sit up. His face came close to his.

"now, i swear to fuck if you ever come near me, y/n or any of my family ever again i will hurt you much worse."

Will looked furious yet he didn't act on it.

L: "Understand?"

He nodded.


Louis released him and came walking towards me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and we continued to walk like nothing had happened.

Y: "I can't believe she kissed him."

L: "y/n.."

Y: "I'm sorry, I'm just confused as to how that happened?"

L:"y/n i really don't want to talk about my sister making out with him okay?"

Y: "That's fair."

I laughed.

He walked me home and kissed me goodnight.

Y: "Oh Louis could you please try and talk to her for me."

L: "I'll try but i can't promise anything y/n."

Y: "Yes i know but it's worth a try i guess."

He pulled me in.

L: "You two will be fine, everything will go back to normal, i promise."

Y: "I hope so."

I smiled.

We said goodnight and Louis went back home. I really hope she will listen to him. I need her to listen, i can't go on with us like this any longer. 

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