Chapter 14

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Your POV

     I kept on walking straight and soon came upon the Rainbow Berry bushes. They could probably be called trees, but due to the size difference of pixies and humans, they look like bushes to me.
"Well! That was easy enough. Hm... Pop didn't say how many we need..."
I decided on three berries since you can never go wrong with that lucky number. I stepped closer to pick them, but stopped when I felt something small clinging to my leg.
"Huh?" I look down to see a small pixie shivering in what looked like fear.
"D-Don't take our precious R-Rainbow Berries, giant!" It said, quivering.
I smile gently, "I don't mean you any harm, I promise. I only need three for what I'm doing."
It shakily looked up at me, "Y-You aren't going to use them in your evil brew... a-are you...?"
I gently laugh as I sit down to get closer to the ground. Maybe this way I won't look as scary.
"No no. I'm going to use them in a healing elixir. You see, my friend is very sick. I don't know if you're familiar with her but her name is Candy. She's a pixie just like you! So I'd really appreciate it if you would let me take just a few so I can help her get better," I explain.
The pixie looked at the ground, "I... I know who she is...."
It looked up at me, "Okay.... As long as you promise it's for Candy!"
I smile, "Pinky promise!"
The pixie finally smiled. I held out my pinky for it to tap with its small hand. Pixies don't exactly have any fingers so that was the best we could do for a pinky promise.
I go in on my knees and pick three ripe berries off a bush.
I then turn to face the pixie, "Thank you so much! These will really help."
It nodded quickly, "Go help Candy feel better!"
I nod before standing up again.
"Oh, and I just wanted to say one more thing." I turn to look at the small creature one last time, "You looked really scared when you confronted me, but even so you still did what was right. I just want to tell you that I think you're very brave."
The pixie blushed, "Th-Thank you, miss!"
I smile one last time and turn around to bring the berries back.
Taking the same route I used to get to the bushes, I headed back to the rendezvous point. When I arrived, Kelsey, April, Chloe, and Pop were already there.
"Hey, y/n! How'd it go?" Kelsey waved at me from where she was standing.
I jogged over to her, "It went well, thanks! I had to coax a frightened pixie so that I could get the berries, though."
"Yeah same here. It wasn't too hard though once we explained our situation," April added.
     "Can I see the water?" I asked.
     "Yeah, sure! They put it in this cool bottle, see?" Kelsey said, taking the small glass bottle out from her pocket.
     It looked like it didn't hold more than two inches of water.
     "Wow! It's so tiny!" I say.
     "Yeah, that's what we thought too. But then we remembered that this is for Candy and Pixies are pretty small." Kelsey explained.
     I nod, "Yeah that makes sense."
     Pop spoke up, "That amount of water is definitely enough for the elixir we're making. It might be small, but it does it's job."
     Kelsey, April, Chloe, and I all nod.
     "Heyyy guys! Sorry we're late!" Emily called as she and Lily ran over to us.
     "Heya, Em! Did ya get the sunshine?" Kelsey asked.
     "Yup! It's really cool!" Emily gestures to Lily who was holding a jar of sunlight.
     We all stared in awe at the captured light.
     "Alright girls, we have no time to waste. I need your help to prepare the elixir," Pop brought our attention back.
     We nod at him.
     "Uh, actually I gotta do something myself. Is it ok if I leave it to you guys?" I ask awkwardly.
     "Yeah! Don't worry about it, I'm sure the six of us will do just fine!" Emily said.
     I thank them before turning around.
     "Is something the matter?" Kelsey asked as I walked past her.
     "Oh no, nothing's wrong. It's just I have to read the letter Ulric gave me before we left." I said, showing her the envelope he had given me.
     "Ohhh yeah right. Well, you have fun with that. Just make sure you're finished by the time we are." Kelsey turned her attention back to the group in front of her.
     I nod before walking over to a grassy area that was private enough for me to read.
     I sigh as I open the envelope, "Alright Ulric, what have you written to me this time..."

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