Chapter 18

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Ulric's POV

My eyes widened in fear for y/n when Rascal appeared from the shadows. Y/n hadn't even managed to grab her Glitter Pact before we were spotted! I could sense the tension rising in the atmosphere and realized that a fight would more than likely break out.
     I did the first thing that came into my mind: intervene.
I quickly stepped out when he dared to hurt her, "Rascal, let her go!"
     I drew my lips back in a snarl.
     The two turn to look at me in surprise.
     "No Ulric! Go back- aaah!" Y/n tried to plea, but Rascal dug his nails deeper into her skin and she winced in pain.
     That was the final straw for me. I lunged at Rascal, who only teleported behind me in a dodge, taking y/n with him.
     Rascal laughed, "Don't forget, Ulric! You're nothing without the powers of The Shadow Realm! You can't defeat me!"
     I growled in frustration as I saw y/n helplessly try and pull her arm away from Rascal's grip. The bleeding in her arm was getting bad. I had to do something.
     "Hey, Rascal!"
     Our attention turned to the voice that called from the ground. There stood Glitter Sunny, completely transformed.
     She smirked confidently, "Ulric's not the only one here to help y/n!"
Rascal grit his teeth in frustration, "You pests just won't let up, will you?"
Y/n started kicking him, "You can bet we won't! Now let me go!"
Rascal in response, slapped her across the face, causing her to scream.
I'm that moment, I felt my anger surge throughout me in the form of negative energy. I focused on it, letting my rage consume me.
I could feel my physical form begin to change. Dark markings appeared on my face, my hair length and style changed, and I could feel my body begin to bulk up.
This was it. I'm not going to let Rascal hurt my y/n anymore.
I let out a roar of rage, and jumped up to fight Rascal.

Your POV

I'm not sure whether to feel honored or surprised at Ulric's change of mood. But when he managed to tackled Rascal off of me, I decided on thankful.
I immediately grabbed the wound that rascal left behind. The bleeding was somewhat serious. It would probably leave me as a handicap since now I can't afford to get worked up, less I risk increasing the bleeding.
Ulric shouts out. I turn and see a giant playing card flying at my head. Flight or flight kicked in and I duck just in time for the card to miss me.
"Y/n! You gotta suit up or else your a sitting duck! Where's your Glitter Pact?!" Kelsey shouted at me.
I look around from where I'm hovering. The pedestal on which it was on wasn't holding anything on it! My Pact was missing!
"Holy crap where did it go?!" I screamed.
"It went to the right hands!"
I turned to see Chloe running towards me, my Glitter Pact in hand.
My eyes widen, "Chloe you're not suited up! Be careful!"
"YOU PESKY GIRLS!" I hear Rascal shriek.
Chloe turns to see him preparing to throw another one of his cards at her.
"Chloe! Over here!" Another voice cries.
Chloe looks and sees April suited up and running.
Chloe smiles, "Guess we're gonna play keep away!"
She throws the Pact to April who catches it.
"Watch out!" I scream, seeing Rascal throw another card.
Emily (suited up) comes flying in and picks up Chloe moving her out of the way just in time.
I let out a held breath, then look towards Ulric and Rascal, who were fighting with each other. I then decide I need to get my pact back, so I look to where April was.
Oh crap.
Due to the damage the cards were doing, April was trapped underneath some rubble. I could tell she was because her green ponytail was sticking out from it.
"I got it!" Kelsey said as she begins to move away the rocks.
April stands up. She had a few scrapes and was covered in dirt. But she seemed fine.
"Don't worry about me! The rocks didn't completely fall on me, they kinda just imprisoned me. I'm alright!" She said.
"Where's the Pact?" I said.
"Over there!" Chloe, who was now suited up, points at a faraway place. April must have thrown it in the midst of all the chaos.
"I WON'T LET YOU SUIT UP, GLITTER SOUL!!!" Rascal shouted, furious.
I grit my teeth as I started running towards my Glitter Pact. Rascal, at the same time, threw a much smaller card towards it.
Crap! I'm not going to make it! I think.
I try to dive for it, but it looked like Rascal would make it to the Pact first. Until...

A/n: I know at first y/n's Glitter Force name was Glitter Strike. But I decided to change it after I came up with her catchphrase. I personally think it's better and I hope you guys like it.

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