Chapter 20

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Your POV

As soon as I finished sending Emily and Chloe off, I direct my attention back at Rascal. I also notice Ulric, who was getting worn out from fighting. He was covered in dirt and had a couple of scratches on him.
     "April!!! How good of a multitasker are you?" I shout.
     April raised both her eyebrows as her eyes went wide.
     Then she laughed, "Y/n, you're looking at the oldest child of seven! I am the queen of multitasking!"
     I smirk at her as I dodge another attack from Rascal, "Good! Then I'm gonna need you to do a few things for me: Cover for Ulric, manage any stray attacks, and protect the little ones!"
     April nods as she takes on a huge flying card for Ulric, "Understood!"
     I turn to look at Ulric, "Hey! Should you rest?"
     He shakes his head, "Absolutely not! I'm not going to leave you in a situation like this! Not for anything!"
His stubbornness may just get him killed.... I think.
     Ulric brushes his arms off and gets ready to attack again, but he isn't fast enough. I saw that Rascal was about to spring another attack, and I fly to Ulric and shove him out of the way before he can get any more hurt.
     I push him to the back lines of the battlefield, "I understand how you feel, Ulric. But you'd better be willing to accept the fact that sometimes I'm going to be the one who protects you too."
     Ulric's eyes widen in surprise, as if he never expected me to say anything like that.
     I gently smile at him, "Well, what did you expect? I love you, I'm going to want to be there for you too."
     Ulric smiled back at me and looked like he was going to say something in reply. He didn't get the chance to due to the explosion from another attack.
April was the one who took the blow for us, "Ugh! Hey guys! I get that you're a couple and all, but could you seriously save the affections for after the fight?"
I gulped, Shoot, she's right.
I stand up straight and go in to attack Rascal. April diverts his attention to her as I dash behind him, poised to kick him in the back.
Rascal notices however, and puts up two giant cards as a double shield.
"Tch!" I jump back and grit my teeth in frustration.
"He's just too good! We're not landing a thing on him!" April shouts.
"Keep hitting him, his attacks aren't invincible, y'know!" Ulric shouts as he jumps in to grab Rascal.
I nod, "He's right! We gotta but more oomph behind our attacks!"
April nodded, "In that case, I think it's time for a Sparkle Shot!"
I nod back at her, "I'll give you an opening!"
I join in with Ulric who had latched himself onto Rascal. I landed a blow to his gut thanks to Ulric's assistance. Rascal retched, and a couple of his cards fell from his hand.
"Now April!!!!" I shout.
April was ready, she had already channeled as much spirit into her Glitter Pact as she could, and it was ready for use.
"Alright, here we go! Glitter Force...."
April conjured the magic into the air, preparing to release the power.
"Sparkle... SHOT!"
I fly out of the way of the Sparkle Shot's trajectory. Ulric shoved Rascal forward into the ball of energy before it could hit him too.
Rascal fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious.
I landed on the ground and looked over at him to inspect his condition. Ulric stood by cautiously. April on the other hand went over to the few cards that Rascal dropped.
She laughed, "Oh, these are a bunch of joker cards! Kinda funny, huh? Jokers are pretty much useless in most card games I know."
I look over in her direction, then back at Rascal, "Hm.... Something's fishy here, I didn't think it would be this easy...."
And indeed it wasn't. A low chuckle began to work its way out of Rascal's throat. It grew into laughter, which eventually became a maniacal cackle, "How astute of you, Glitter Spring! You're right, the Joker isn't a card held with much regards in strength! But watch closely and I'll educate you on all its uses!!"
Rascal hovered up into the air once again. Ulric quickly came running to my side at the sight of more danger.
I clenched my fists as Rascal came to a halt in the air. He spread his arms out, as if he were about to give a presentation to a whole auditorium.
Suddenly, a long array of huge cards appeared around us. It enclosed us into a confined space, making the battlefield smaller.
Rascal squinted his eyes as his trademark smirk appeared on his face, "Let's play a game of Poker, shall we?"

A/N- I actually have no real excuse as to why I've not been updating this story. Sure, I've been busy with school but the main reason as why I've put this off is because I really hate writing battle scenes. T^T Anyways, I hope I don't end up screwing it up too badly. Hope you enjoy this arc of the story! :D

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