A DNF chapter

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I was streaming Minecraft with Bad and Sapnap my phone had been going off every hour with a text from dream. He's trying too get into his twitch account on his phone. "Ooh~" Sapnap cooed "What?" I said "I bet 100 bucks that's Dream texting you." He said "Correct." I said


"Are you done?" He asked with a photo of my twitch. "Bye guys,Dream's staying at my place and is probably getting impatient." I said then ending the stream,quitting minecraft,and leaving discord. I cuddled up next too Dream loving the warmth of the man next too me "Hey babe." He said "Hi Dreamy." I said happily playing with his hoodie strings. He lifted my chin and planted a kiss on my lips "I love you george." He said the way he always had "George, You don't have too say it but.." He said leaving me hanging on the sentence "I love you too Dream." I said too him . He held my waist and kissed my lips "warn me next time ok?" I said he then kissed me again "Nope." He said wheezing. I was tired it was a long stream 8 hours and 39 minutes I cuddled into my boyfriend's chest "Tired are we Gogy?" He said "Mhm" I said in a tired tone. He picked me up bridal style and layed in bed with me. He whispered the lyrics of heat waves too me while I dozed off into my dreams.

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