Cuddles<3( dreamnotnap )

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George sat curled up next to his boyfriends who were currently holding him tightly. He looked up at his boyfriends and smiled. he wondered how he managed to get so lucky. the two looked at their boyfriend and showered him in soft kisses ranging anywhere from his face to his thighs. dream absolutley adored the older's thighs and loved to mess with them. and sapnap would pepper love everywhere else(that he was okay with;]) it always made him so happy. He played with the youngest's hair twirling it within his fingers. it always made him happy so george did it often. Dream eventually stopped kissing his thighs and hugged onto one like it was a teddy bear which made george laugh soon earning a kiss from sapnap." where's my kiss??" dream asked making fake sad eyes. the three lovers laughed at the other's sweet remarks. "Clay- uhm nevermind" drista said leaving as quick as she came. She was happy her brother fell in love with the people he loves and adores. the three talked about random subjects until they ended up cuddling and falling asleep holding eachother.

NO WAY 2 UPDATES IN A WEEK!!!! IM ACTUALLY WRITING AGAIN IM SO EXITED!! ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSS BYE MY CHILDREN..oh yeah ive adopted u:DD im making a server for you all^^ bye for now^^

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