Valentines Date(Karlnap)

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Sapnap paced around the living room worried about everything. Karl was in Florida and the two were going on a date in a few hours " Dude chill, it's going to be ok." Dream said " How can I chill? What if something goes wrong? or what if-" "Chill out!" dream spoke while shaking his friend. Drista came down the stairs and said " Clay, my very favorite brother." "what do you want?" he spoke  " Can I get on your computer?" she asked "FIne, just don't do anything stupid." he said and watched his sister run-up to his room. "as I was saying, just chill out dude. I think he's going to love your plan. " Dream spoke in a comforting voice "anyways I think you should go pick him up now." he said pointing to the clock on the wall " bye dream" he said walking out the door.


Karl slammed his head onto the pillow on his bed and heard a noise from his phone "what's wrong?" Quackity asked " I'm just nervous. Sapnap and I are going on a date today and he's picking me up in an hour. " he said holding onto a pillow. " are you 2 gonna kiss? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  " the younger asked " W-what?! Why would you ask That ?! " Karl squealed " That's it I'm hanging up. " he said and hung up. he held his pillow in his arms and fell aslepp


Karl woke up to Sapnap's ringtone (sweater weather) he picked up the phone and said " Hey ! " he said " Hey. I'm outside the hotel right now. " sapnap said " Ok I'll be down in a second! " Karl said hanging up and running to the elevator. He walked out the doors and gave sapnap a hug. " I missed you. " he said " I missed you too Karl. " the other said " let's go ! " Sapnap yelled running with Karl's hand in His


Karl panted while Sapnap giggled .he looked up and saw a  flower field " it's so pretty! " Karl said hugging his " friend " Jump." Sapnap said and Karl wrapped his legs around Sapnap's waistand his arms around his neck.He walked over to the Cliff and sat down looking at the smaller being and smiled " Happy Valentines Day Karl." Sapnap said earning a kiss on the cheek "Happy Valentines Day Sappy."


I'M BACK BABY!!! Happy Valentines day!!

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