Duck in the shadows Pt.2

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the duckling awoke the next morning remembering the men from the night before. he remembered he'd promised the kids to play with them every day that week and reluctantly got out of bed. He slipped on a white t-shirt with a navy blue button up along with his classic LAFD beanie. he found a few rings and slipped those on Aswell. he headed out the window only to be caught by his mom shaking her head and yelling "Dont get hurt!!" "I wont mama!" he yelled back turning into his duck form and flying to the kid's house. 
" Fundy, do you think alex is okay??" Oliver asked ears down and tail curled around their body. "Stop worrying so much kiddo." the duck replied ruffling the cat's hair "ALEX!!" they yelled hugging onto the duck hybrid tightly "SHH!! Its papa Wilbur's day off today." fundy reminded the small cat who responded with a giggle "Kids what are you doing up?? go back to bed. its only 8." Wilbur said seeing alex freeze in place "NICE ASS!" schlatt yelled from the window holding a spy glass "WHY ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF MY ASS??" he yelled back Wilbur taking the chance to bring the kids inside and lecture them.
"IF YOUR GONNA ARGUE WITH ME JUST COME INSIDE ALREADY!!" schlatt yelled from the window "NO!!I WONT ITS RU-AHHH!!" Alex yelled being cut off by wilbur picking him up bridal style. the hybrid turned into a duck again. wilbur pet him and his soft feathers bringing hiim upto his husband's shared room. Schlatt was sitting on his phone scrolling through twitter but looked away when the door opened and he saw wilbur holding the beanied duck in his hands " i wanna hold him" the ram said putting his phone on the night stand to be given the duck. He pet the duckling until it fell asleep. The two men just awed at him. he turned back into a human soon after.
A few hours later he woke up in someone's bed. he didnt know whose until he saw the two kids walk in with a juicebox and a sandwhich. The two dads stood behind them smiling. The two children hopped into bed and giving him hugs with the food " Why dont you guys turn on another movie?" wilbur said watching his kids run down the stairs. " schlatt sat next to the duck hybrid holding him close. he squeezed his ass softly " nice ass~" he whispered making the duck embarrassed. Wilbur got into bed aswel and cuddled the duckling soon falling asleep. the two children came running into the room in their animal forms and hopped onto the bed falling asleep with their 3 dads ;]

wc: 457 .. hey guys. im not gonna update much because  im gonna be writing some drafts 4 you guys^^ also just thank you to anyone who had read my book.i love writing and i found a place to put my writing outwards but please if you have any requests please put them below. i will be writing them so keep that in mind. anyways till we meet again :]




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