Coming out(MichealxTommy.piglin)

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(Art belongs to my friend!)
this is with Micheal and Tommy. Tommy is my Zombie pigman child like Micheal. I know they can't age but in this universe they can and qre 13(Micheal) and 14(Tommy).
Micheal pov
Tommy and I were walking home from school hand in hand. Today I was going to come out to them. Tommy's mom has two fiancés  and I have two dads "Papa Dad I'm home!" I yelled "Hi Micheal!" papa said "Hi Is dad ok?" I asked "MARK!"  he yelled "What do you want toby?" he said tiredly "Our son is home." he said harshly. I walked over to the couch and took a deep breath as I sat down "So uhm I th-." I tried to get out "Micheal you know you can tell us anything." papa said "I think I'm gay!" I siad Clenching my knees "Micheal." Dad said "You know we'll be happy with you and whoever you love." papa added on "So who is it?" they asked eagerly "Let me go get them." I said  I walked outside "So?" Tommy said "It went well they want to know who though." I said then giving him a peck on the cheek "C'mon!" I said "Hi." Tommy said "Hi Tomm-WAIT you guys are dating?!?" they said in sync We nodded "My baby has a boyfriend!" papa yelled and ran over and hugged me "Papa." I whined.
Tommy Pov
we were walking to my mom's house "Micheal?" I said "Yeah?" He replied "My mom lives in a cold enviornment so you might need this." I said handing him a fuzzy coat it was blue with black fur he put it on and looked so cute on him "Tommy,aren't you cold?" he asked "No,I've gotten used to it." I told him We reached the village and I walked to the house It was very tall and went through a rebuild when I was about 10 years old I flipped the Lever and pistons went down Micheal Has never been to my place before "Emily!" Mom yelled "Hi mom!" I said "Hi Tommy, I see you finnaly brought Micheal." she said "Mom,I uhm Micheal and I are sort of a thing." I said She came over and hugged me "I'm so happy for you." she said "Want to help us bake a cake?" She asked "Sure, Mikey you want to help too?" I said "Sure, I love baking!" he said exitingly. It was pure chaos in there Cookie dough and Cake batter everywhere, We chased after each other, and were a mess while we listened to mom's spotify playlist. We were having a out of school party. Our friends were going to be there and Family(Dnf, karlnapity. His mom is dating Sapnap's little sister and Drista) Micheal and I were in my room he slept next to me. he cuddled up next to me his parents were ok with him staying the night.I was playing with his hair when He soon fell asleep in my arms I heard giggling coming from downstairs. I can't wait for them to get married I'm going to have 2 cousins Alexa and Nick
Mom,Emi, and Sammy are going to be so happy together. Mom's dress is pretty. It was white with a skirt that was short for a wedding dress with a lace train on the back and the top was strapless with white gems she had a silver tiara with blue gems on it. "Hey Tommy." mom said "Hi mom." I said softly "The wedding is actually going to be in two weeks." she said "who will I stay with?" I asked "Tubbo and Ranboo." she said "Night my baby boy." She said then kissing my forehead "Night mom."I said She waved as she closed the trap door.
In the morning
Micheal Pov
I woke without Tommy and looked around The fun memories of baking last night ran through my head "Hi Mikey." he said "put this on." he said tosing me a Warm Hoodie. I put it on over my T-shirt "C'mon." he said grabbing my hand and opened a door by pulling a lever That lead out to a balcony "Wow." I said. It was simply beautiful the beautiful pinks blues oranges the red velvet sun were so pretty "This is where my mom got engaged." Tommy said hugging my waist "Tommy we can't we have to be eighteen to get married and I want to wait 3 years max after we're engaged." I said "Ok Babe." he said kissing me. he licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance I accepted by opening my mouth.he explored every inch of it we parted and there was a trail of saliva between us. we leaned back in instead of making out we kissed for about 5 seconds and pulled away we climbed down the ladder and saw his mom in her wedding dress "WOW!!" I said "Oh hi guys, Do you want to do my hair?" she asked "Yes!" I yelled and ran over to her. she was kinda short 5'6 an inch taller than papa."Done!" I yelled "Wow this is awesome!"she said "They're going to be home soon" mom said taking off her heels and climbing down the ladder.She came back up and was in a hoodie and leggings "We got the groceries!" They yelled as they kicked the door open they put the groceries down and ran over and cuddled her "Awe." I said "Hi Micheal." the Dark haired girl said I think her name was Emily "Hi." I said "I'm Emily but you can call me sappy or Emi and the blonde haired girl is Samantha but you can call her sammy or sam and Micheal's mom Allisa you can call her Lissy or Allie." she said "Nice to meet you Emi and Sammy." I said
be there soon!
"I have to leave soon." I said "Here's your hoodie." I said "Keep it." He told me " Ok." I said giggling
There was a knock on the door "Hi Guys." she said "Hi Lissa." papa said "Bye guys nice meeting you." I said "You too Micheal." they said I kissed Tommy's cheek and waved goodbye. as I walked home all I could think about was being with Tommy after his mom's wedding

1082 words OMG This is the longest thing i ever wrote! Also thank you for 800 reads this is in less than 2 months omg and 3 votes!

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