Meteor Shower Confession(Tubboo)<3

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2 uploads in one day some more fluff cuz i can't write angst well. also, you can request they are encouraged anyways enjoy ^^ also I was listening to Life by the Sea

Edit:  I personally really enjoy the original and rewrite of this. i love this ship but please don't say anything about Ranboo being gay. I dislike it because it's all over social media. I liked being able to say " Ranboo's Gay " as a joke. i just feel like it wasn't needed. please respect that boundary

I scrolled through my photos for a little bit until tubbo screamed"Ranboo!!"  "Yeah?" I said "THERE'S GOING TO BE A METEOR SHOWER!!" He yelled "And?" I said "We have to go!" tubbo said "Fine." I said knowing I will more than likely regret that decision.
Tubbo was exited that I was joining him. It was obvious he had something on his mind but i had no idea what that thing was. In the past few months he acts different around me. I think he might have a crush on me, but thats also just me. "Come on let's go!" Tubbo said Grabbing my hand. . I ran out the door  with Ranboo "How far of a walk is it?" he asked "about a mile and a half." I said (I am 🇺🇲) when we got there we had to wait about an hour until then. his hand was on top of mine while we talked. He gave me a little kiss on the forehead and fell back laughing " It's not funn-The meteor shower is starting!" I said. I put my head on Ranboo's shoulder and he put his head ontopof mine. a little into the meteor shower he started to move his hand through my hair. What I was about to do is risky. I moved over to sit on Ranboo's lap. he was shocked at first but let out a giggle and held my waist. as the shower continued  i leaned onto His chest "Eww gay people!" Someone yelled. Ranboo stuck up the finger at them "Don't listen to them Tubbo." He said "How did you know?" I asked "It's kinda obvious the way you did those things." He said "I can get off if you-" "No, I don't want you too." he said holding my waist tighter. I decided now was the time "Ranboo are you going to make a wish?" I asked  "I already did." He said "What did you wish for?" I asked "My crush to like me back." He said "I uhm I like you more than a friend." I said. He leaned in " I do too Tu-" He said before I cut him off with a kiss. We loooked at eachother and giggled. after the shower it started to rain so ranboo put his jacket over us. "Im gonna go get changed." he said heading into the bedroom "Someone had fun." Lani said pouring herself some milk "Yeah we did." I said " I expect a full report tommorow." She said putting the milk away "You will." I said. Ranboo hugged me from behind "Awe." Lani said "Go to bed." I said. she went upstairs. "Now...Go change!" He said pushing me into the bed room and slamming the door shut. I came out in one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants ( Idc ok I am an american) Ranboo gave me hug i tried to put my legs around his waist but failed. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the couch. he layed down with me. " I love you my boo." I said "I love you too my bee." he said before i fell asleep.

This is cute I made this cuz I wrote a chapter with Ranboo and Tubbo meet up before in like april or smthn so yeah it was kinda cringe. prob cuz I wrote it at like 3 am.

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