Heartbreak(Saplista angst)

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So....  I fangirl for drista ok and a made up character named Sapling she's faceless and Sapnap's younger sister. She goes by Sappy,Emily,and Emi and Drista goes by Drizzy,Sam,Samantha,or Sammy. and my character Lissa is called Lissa,Allie,and Lissy. yeah ig... Enjoy me fangirling!
Lissa pov
   I started crying again as I wrote a song
   love is harder than i thought
  heartbreak, tears, days feel like years
  Flirting broke me and It can't fix me
I gave a smile. I could never think of the melody(For people who don't know what it is  it's the instrumental in a song)  I looked at my phone
    26 missed calls from ❤🧡Sappy 🧡❤
   27 missed calls from 💚🤍Drizzy 🤍💚
I sighed as I turned off my phone and started playing  minecraft Karl joined and called me "Hi Karl."I put in chat "Call me on discord." He wrote back I minimized Minecraft and opened Discord and called Karl "Lissa, Emily she well she wants to know why your ignoring her and Drista." He said "Please tell us what we did wrong." She said as she walked into frame. Shr had teae stains on her face, she looked tired, and her eyes were red and puffy. God did it break my heart to see one of my two crushes like this. I had to tell her but I wasn't forgiving her "You broke my heart and that's all you need to know." I said "WAI-"She yelled it being cut off by me leaving the call. I cried  for about 45 minuted before grabbing Sappys sweatshirt it had tear stains all over it. It was warm and still smelled like her I held it close to me and slept. I felt something next to me and woke up to sappy holding me from behind  and drizzy from the front . it all faded into darkness then I acctually woke up and saw a small box on the windowsill. Recently I have had a secret admirer.They leave me little gifts like flowers or jewelry. once they gave me a hoodie! I wanted to know who this is so badly so the next night I stayed up until they came "wait." I said softly "I need to see who you are" I said "I'm so f***ing sorry!" They yelled crying into my shoulder "We shouldn't have been flirting infront of you." She said "S-sappy?" I asked "Mhm." She said looking me in the eyes. she put her hand on my cheek and we were inches apart when she said " I love you so f***ing much." and smashed her lips onto mine. I was having my first kiss with one of my two crushes. It was amazing It felt like fireworks exploading in my chest. "EMILY THE F***!!!" Drista yelled (Her walls are soundproof you can't hear anything from her room) we broke the kiss and I blushed. I probably looked as red as a tomato. Drizzy grabbed my waist and kissed me. Sappy put her head in my neck. We both parted our lips "I want to cuddle ." Sappy said. it was around 4 am I smiled and led them to my bed Drizzy to my left and sappy to my right I had warmth on both sides. I fell asleep first and woke up last. "Morning baby girl." Drista said "Morning." i said "MORNING!!!:" Sappy said jumping on the bed and hugging me "Morning sappy." I said  "So wanna go get breakfast?" I asked "I can drive us somewhere." Drista said "I-HOP! I've only been once." I said (I have only been once.)  "Ok write your parents a note though." Drista said. I wrote it and put it on my door. we went out through my window. We dragged Drista all around. we went to Dairy Queen for lunch. and saw a movie! My phone buzzed alot and I was getting called.
       Awnser                      Decline
"Hi dad!" I said " When are you coming home?" he asked "Soon we are going to get in the car after I hang up so bye." I said. We listened to many songs like sweater weather,your new boyfriend, and others. "Bye guys." I said kissing both on the cheek before going in. I told everyone all about my day and went to my room. I had a bag on my back and I went to my room. at around 1:30 Sappy came in "Hey secret admirer." I said "Hey princess." she said kissing my cheek.  Sappy fell asleep holding me. I started to play with her hair she dyed it back to her natural color not too long ago. Drizzy came in and got sappy. "Bye Baby girl." She whispered then kissing my lips. I sighed not a upset but more of a loving sigh. I fell asleep for the first time in 2 months dreaming of where our relationship would take us.


Um hi HOW AM I AT 1K?!?! TYSM!!! Also please check out my other books :]





⏚⊬⟒ ☌⎍⊬⌇ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⌰⌰ ♡

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