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Hi Lissa here so Sapnap and Quackity are criminals and Karl doesn't know about it
It's 1:45 and Nick and Alex are still not home "Where are they?" I asked my self pacing the room. I turned on the news to see Alex and Nick on the T.V "are they can't be,they Can't be criminals." I said to myself.I turned off the T.V and cried. At 2 am Nick and Alex came back " Karl, what's wrong?" Alex asked I got up and went to the spare room.
Alex POV
Nick and I turned on the T.V to see the news and then we knew why he ignored us. "Karl,can we come in?" Nick asked "I guess." He replied  "Karl you deserve to know the truth and." Nick said "We shouldn't of hid it from you." I added on " Our parents were partners in crime,and we followed in their footsteps."Nick said Karl crawled into my arms and Nick hugged him from behind. Karl broke into tears "I don't know if I should tell the police or not." Karl said "Hey it's ok." Nick said comforting him "You can if you want to." I told him. Karl's breathing soon slowed I knew he was asleep "Your Turn Snapmap." I told him. He picked up karl and I followed behind. I cuddled into Karl's neck and Nick put his head on Karl's
Karl POV
I woke up too my two Future husbands
"Morning Karl." Alex said "Morning Ducky." I said "Are you and Nick?" I  asked "Yeah." Alex said sadly "I love both of you too much to turn you in." I told him "Thanks Karl." Nick said. We spent the entire day cuddling and playing Minecraft until we heard a bang on the door


So this will have a part 2 and uhm... 266 READS IN ONE WEEK YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

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