Just one night...right?

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"Hey Quackity, could you watch Tubbo again?" Schlatt asked "Sure!"I said "Quack Quack!" Tubbo said running to my desk "Hey Tubee!" I said "Thank you." Schlatt mouthed "Anytime." I mouthed back "Wanna draw while I work on some papers?"I asked. Tubbo gave me a nod. 2 hours passed and I finished all of the papers "Quack Quack look!It's me you and papa!" He Said "Awe I love it." I said giving him a hug "Could you show it to papa for me?" I asked "Sure!" I said "How about some tv." I said "ok!" He replied skipping up the stairs. not even 30 minutes pass and he's out. I slowly fall asleep
Schlatt pov
I kept Walking and walking until I saw it in the distance I Finally got there and walked up the stairs and up another flight of stairs till I got to my apartment. I saw both tubbo and Quackity asleep on the couch. My two boys. I picked up tubbo "Papa." He said "Hey Tubs,I thought you were asleep." I said "Come with me!" He said leading me to Quackity's office. He looked through the papers and found something "Look Look! It's me You and Quack Quack!" He said "Tubs what would you say if I asked Quackity to be with me?" I asked "Really?!? I would be so happy!" He exclaimed "What's going on down here?" Quackity asked still pretty tired "Nothing sugar." I said kissing his forehead. "Awe!" Tubbo said. Quackity froze up blushing and fell back. Luckily I caught him "Hey Q you ok?" I asked. He gave me a nod "I should probably go." He said "Please stay." I asked "No I have to go." He said "You leave me no choice,Tubbo." I said "pWEAse Papa Quackiy" Tubbo begged I gave him a kiss on the cheek "Fine...But just for one night." He said "Tubbo could you give us a minute?" I asked. The kid nodded and went upstairs "Schlatt what do you want?" He asked. I slammed my lips onto his. Damn are his lips soft. We pulled away.
Q pov
Schlatt The President of Manberg just kissed me! His Vice president "W-what was that for?" I asked pretty much yelling. He came over and cuddled me.I softly rubbed his horns and he let out a purr like noise "What was that?" I asked moving my hands away from his horns "Never mind that please keep doing what you were doing." Schlatt said "You never say please what's up?" I asked "Nothin just feel...different." He said "Ok?" I said continuing to rub his horns I walked back and sat on my desk "You smell nice." he whispered "Your hair is fluffy." I said. He kissed my neck softly "S-schlatt what are you doing?" I managed to get out "Just one?" He asked "Only one." I said. He licked over a few spots making me whimper but when he got to one specific spot I let out a soft moan.
Schlatt pov
Quackity let out a soft moan. Damn are his moans cute. I sucked , kissed, bit, and nibbled on it and Quackity continued to let out soft moans that were driving me absolutley Crazy. I pulled away and admired the huge red and purple mark on his neck that had deep bite marks on it. "SCHLATT!" He yelled "What's wrong Pumpkin?" I asked. Quackity turned red and covered his face with his beanie "What's wrong?" I asked "Everyone will notice it!" he said, "I know,And everyone will know that you're mine." I said kissing him "Papa ,Papa Quacky I can't sleep." Tubbo said hugging his big ass bee plush "I'll handle this." Q said Walking up with Tubbo.
Q pov
"Ok which story do you want?" I asked "One about 2 princes and a happily ever after please." He said after a little story telling the little boy fell asleep "Night Tubs." I said moving his hair and kissing his forehead. I walked down to see Schlatt Drinking again. I walked back into a wall and slid down it crying and breathing rapidly
Schlatt pov
I Ran over to Q and started to try and comfort him...But nothing worked. I gave him my suit jacket and walked upstairs. I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out with mouthwash. I walked down the stairs to see Tubbo comforting him "Tubbo you should really go to sleep." I said. The boy nodded and climbed up the stairs."Alex." I said "Y-y-yeah Schlatt?" he said "Why were you like that?" I asked "L-l-like what." He said looking away. O gave him a concerned look "I don't wanna talk about it but if I have to, I am taking all the hits for tubbo. all the glass bottles. all the words. I just want him to grow up happy." he said softly crying. I gave him a hug he cried in my arms "How about we sleep now ok?" I say. Q nodded. Just one night...right?

so yeah I ship Quackity and Schlatt :] also school starts soon so yeah less chapters ig

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