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Ever since Y/n was removed, she hanged out with Balto. She still was in love with Steele, but after what happened, she chose to fulfill his wishes of never coming across him. She would watch from the distance. She would go protect Steele and Balto, even though the would fight each other a lot. She always kept her distance, but not too far, in case that something were to happen to them.

Balto and Boris were walking through an Alley after the sleigh dogs came back. It was Balto's dream to be a sleigh dog, but he couldn't since no one in town wanted a half dog half wolf. "Well look who it is boys! " Said a voice behind the two. They both looked at each other before they continued to walk ahead. Steele ran ahead and jumped in front of them, blocking their way. "My, my, my, if it isn't a turkey. " Steele snapped at Boris, making him fall on a platter, the top closing on top of him.

"I am a Goose! Not a turkey! " Boris said, sticking his head out. "Alright then.... Chicken... " Boris got mad, but before he could say anything, Balto jumped in front and growled at Steele. "Leave him alone Steele. " "Oooo~ So you think your tough now? " Steele said as him and the others laughed. "Get him boys. " The three dogs started walking to him growling, before Balto can do anything. Y/n came out of nowhere, blocking them from Balto and Boris. She let out a ugly vicious growl, scaring the dogs, making them move back.

"Oh h-hey N/n" Star said nervously. "Leave them alone. " She said as she continued to growl. Steele walked up to her, " What do you think your doing? " Steele said, glaring down at her. "What do you think? " She barked back, glaring back. Steele glared and moved the faces close, their noses almost touched. Y/n held back the temptation of getting closer, but knowing that he doesn't like her, she continued to stand her ground. "Hmmm." Steele pulled away. Steele was surprised, usually any other dog would have swooned when he got that close, so why didn't she?

"Balto, Boris! Go! " Y/n said as she looked back at Steele. "Say Steele... " Y/n smirked, she puffed out her chest more and step closer, making Steele move back. "Your really good looking dog. " Steele pride boost up, " I know. " He said, smirking widely and showing his pride. Y/n tail swiped under his head, " Too bad you only think of yourself. " She said, slapping her tail in his face. She let out a laugh, for the first time, surprising the other dogs. Y/n quickly ran off, still laughing. "Gah! Why you! " Steele turned and chased after her.

Y/n went through the crowd of people, skillfully dodging their feet. Steele struggled, but still was able to keep up. Y/n saw Jenna up ahead and smirked. "Hey Jenna! " Y/n said, stopping right next to her quickly. "Oh! You scared me there N/n! " Jenna said, laughing a little. "Alright, do me a favor. Keep walking with me." Y/n whispered to her, getting a weird look. "Please trust me. " She said, they continued to walk together. "WHY YOU--! " A whistle was heard. "Steele! Come here boy! " His owner yelled. Steele let out a growl, "I get you later. " Y/n laughed before sticking her tongue out at him, making him growl more before running off.

"Thanks." Y/n looked at Jenna, who had a surprised look on her face. "What? " "You just laughed! " She said excitedly, " I can't believe it! " Jenna said jumping around, only to get a groan from Y/n." Why is everyone surprised? " Y/n said as she walked ahead. "It's the first time in years!! " Jenna said catching up, " You should laugh more, maybe you can attract other male dogs attention, maybe like Steele~" Jenna said nudging her. "Let me guess, Balto told you. " Jenna giggled, "Yup! And please! Because I'm tired of Steele flirting with me. " "I can see why he does it though. " Y/n said, looking at her. "What do you mean? " Jenna said, raising a brow.

"Well you nice, kind, pretty. You have a nice laugh. Your like every dogs dream girl! Your lucky to get Steele's attention... " Y/n said, laying on the ground. "Well, I want you to know that I don't like Steele. He's selfish, ignorant, and so MANY other things! " Jenna said, sitting next to her. "I'm surprised you even see anything in him. " Y/n chuckled a little. "And plus! Your everyone of those things you just said about me, but maybe what's holding you back is that you don't smile or laugh. I think you would get his attention if you did. " Jenna said excitedly. Y/n scoffed a little. "I wish. " She said, sitting up. "What do you mean? " "Did Balto tell you my other secret? " "About being like him ? " "Yes." "Then yes he--oh.... " Jenna said sadly. " I'll never get a chance... " Y/n said sadly as she started to walk. "Where are you going?! " Jenna said, standing up. "Away." Y/n said as she ran off.

Time skip.

Balto and Jenna were under Rosy's room. "I'm afraid that if the medication doesn't arrive on time... " Jenna gasped, she then ran off. "Jenna wait! Jenna! " The got out from the hole. "Jenna I'm sorry! " "Hey Jenna! " Steele said, walking in with sausages. "I brought us these... " He tossed the end if the sausages around Jenna and pulled her close. "So we can share~" "Oh! Umm.... " Then an idea popped up for Balto, he looked at Jenna and signaled the opened furnace that was burning wood to heat up the room. Jenna then stepped towards Steele, making him step back untill his tail was in the furnace. Steele sniffed the air and yelp loudly.  Jenna and Balto ran out, Steele followed behind and tossed the sausages at Balto, making him fall. The butcher came out and saw his meat around the half wolf half dog. "Go! Shoo! " Said the butcher as he took his meat back and gave it to Steele. "Good boy Steele! " Said the Butcher, petting Steele who had a smirk on his face as he ate the meat.

Time skip.

"I'm going out there to find them. " "What!? " Said Boris as he flipped out of the ship. "Are you crazy!? You can get killed!? " Boris said as he tried stopping Balto from leaving. "I have too! Or many people are going to die... Even Rosy. " Balto said as he jumped over Boris, making him fall in the snow. Luk and Muk looked at each other, trying to to cry. "I'm going with you! " Said Boris as he walked next to Balto, " No! Your staying here! " Balto said, stopping. "No who will keep an eye on you if you were to get into trouble. " Boris said, walking ahead. Balto groaned a little as Jenna, Luk, and Muk chose to come along too.

Time skip again lol

"LOOK OUT! " Boris yelled. Balto and Jenna looked back to see a black bear about to attack. "Run! " Balto and Jenna ran opposite directions. The Black Bear continued to attack Balto. Balto fell and it was too late for him to be able to get up. Right when the bear was about to strike, Jenna jumped up and bit his hand, making the bear roar in pain. The bear threw Jenna across, making her collapse. Balto stood up quickly and ran to the frozen lake, leading the bear there.

Balto continued to get deeper in onto the lake as the bear followed. The ice cracked and the bear went under the water. But the ice started to also crack under Balto, making him fall under the water. "Balto!! " Jenna and Boris yelled as they ran to the whole of where Balto fell. "Where is he!? " Jenna said as she continued to look for Balto. Luk and Muk looked at each other before nodding and jumped into the water. "They don't know how to swim! " Boris yelled in panic. Boris and Jenna continued to panic and look to try to find them.

Soon the polar bears got out of the water, Luk holding a passed out Balto in his arms. "Balto! " Jenna and Boris both yelled, quickly running towards them. Boris slipped, making him slide and bump into one of the polar bears, making him accidentally land on Balto. Balto coughed out water and gasped. "Balto! " Jenna said as she rushed to his side. "I-im fine. " He said as he shook from the cold. "We have to continue. " He said, Jenna went over and laid on top of him. "We'll continue after you get warmed up. "

(Sorry I ain't good with this stuff.)

I do NOT own Balto, but I do love that movie a lot.

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