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He had never felt this before. An aching pain in his chest that was coming from the heart. He didn't want to get up of if he did, he never wanted to leave the house. He'd only stay by the fireplace. Everyone, even the people were worried. Steele's owner stared at the sleeping Steele. "Let's go on a walk boy. " He said, opening the door for him to walk out, along with Steele. He didn't move from his spot. "At least then eat your food. " Steele huffed as he stood up slowly, walking towards his bowl and eating some of his food. Once he finished he walked back to the fireplace.

The owner sighed and walked to the door. The other dogs looked through the window, watching to see if Steele was just pretending or if he did anything else. But to their surprise, he didn't move at all. Their ears flattened against their heads. "Maybe we should get Balto. " Star said, only to get his head smashed by a paw. " Idiot! Balto is the last person he would want to see!!! " Nikki said angrily, letting a small growl from his throat as he said it.

They all sighed, " Let's go." They all hopped down and started to walk away. Balto and Jenna peeked around the corner and walked towards Steele's house. They both peeked into the room, seeing Steele in the same position. "Steele? " Jenna said, making him glance at her, only to look away. Not saying anything, Jenna and Balto looked at each other before stepping towards the Husky. "Are you alright?" She asked, only to get silence in return. "Leave." Steele said, still not even giving them a glance. Jenna sat next to him, placing a paw on his back, comforting him. A new feeling in Steele started to develop in his chest, it was almost to hard to keep in. Tears slid down his face, pulling his ears back and letting out small whimpers. Jenna looked at Balto as she continued to comfort him. (In this part, just please go with it. I had to like search it up if it was true, but it was like different things being told and I'm like what--but it could also just be me and being stupid--)

"I promise, Y/n is strong, I bet she's trying her very best to get back here.... " Jenna whispered to Steele with a sad look. "She's probably not even alive.... " Jenna look at Balto again with a shocked look, " Steele, you need to think positive. What about going and trying to find her? " "Balto! " " What?! We all care, why don't we go looking for her!! " Balto said, a little mad at Jenna. "It's dangerous. " " I've been in danger! Look, right now is not the time to fight! We're trying to help Steele! " Balto said, they both looked over at Steele, who wasn't there anymore. "What? Where is he!? " The both ran outside and saw Steele, running towards the snowy hills.

"Steele it's dangerous!! " Before Steele could even reach the hills, his owner quickly grabbed his collar, making Steele fly back. "Woah there bud. Where are you going?! " Steele tried to get away from his owners grip. "No no Steele. Your not going. " Steele looked at his owner, then back towards the hills. "Come on now. Back inside. " The owner said as he dragged Steele back. Jenna and Steele watched with a sad look.

The next day was the same, Steele was trying to leave again, but continued to get stopped. This routine happened for weeks. The owner groaned as he caught Steele trying to run off again. "Steele, maybe it's time you... Move on... " Steele froze, with all his strength, he pulled away from his owner and rushed back to the house. "Who knew that dogs understood humans... " The owner rubbed his face before suddenly an idea popped up in his head.

Balto was at the ship. He was walking back and forth, debating on whether he should or not. Boris waddled up to Balto, giving him a confused look. "Are you alright? " Balto let out a sigh, " That's it. I'm gonna do it. " Balto walked off the boat, only to get confused blabber from Boris. "Huh--wait--what are you talking about!? " "I'm going to find her. " Boris continued to be confused, before realizing what he meant. "WHAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY!? SHE'S HIGHLY DEAD BY NOW! " "I'm gonna do it for Steele. " " After all he's done to you!? " Balto hesitated before letting out a sigh. "Yes." And with that he ran off. "Balto!! It's dangerous!! " Boris yelled as he ran off, the two polar bears popping up behind Boris. "Oh no... "

I love reading y'alls comments 🤣

Also I did not proof read lol 💜💜💜💜love y'all

Sorry if I messed up lol and if I spell things wrong.

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