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Hey, author here. I got a comment about my story and how some of the things I wrote are not true. Please understand that this is just a fan fiction and the things I write are just to make my stories more interesting. I'm sorry if I made you mad or felt another feeling due to my mistakes and what I've written, but please keep in mind, that the things I write are only to make plot twist, write more to the story, or just to make things more interesting for you to stay and continue reading. Please forgive me. I'm sorry, but I hope you understand. Love y'all 💜


Balto laid in the freeing snow, huddled with everyone else. He couldn't sleep, not with N/n dying next to him. 'I can't wait any longer!' Balto said as he stood up. " Good your awake. " Balto turned to see Laura next to him. "It's time to head towards the town. Can't let her die on us. " She said as she howled, waking everyone up. "Come along everyone! Balto will lead! Make sure to follow and stay together! Protect each other! " Everyone nodded, before Laura turned towards Balto. " Alright, lead the way. " Balto nodded before quickly rushing towards the direction of the town. Jenna stood on top of the hill. She remembered this place so well. Where she would wait for Balto to return.

Jenna sat to the laying down Steele. "I miss her too... " She said softly. Steele stared into the abyss, not knowing what to say. Now a word hasn't been heard from him, not even a bark. Jenna let out a sigh, soon also laying down. "They'll be here soon, I have a feeling. " She said, lifting her head up to look at the Northern Lights she created with the broken glass shards.

They all ran through the snow. The strom had passed, making it a bit more easier to make it back. The snow was quite high, higher then usual. "Come on N/n, Steele needs you. Fight it! " Balto said as he pushed himself to run faster. Panting of the other dogs and wolves were heard as they continued to catch up. It was already dark out.

Balto looked up at the sky. His eyes widened, " The Northern Lights.... THE NORTHERN LIGHTS! " " Yeah we know! Stop admiring and keep consecrating on where we're going! " Scar said angrily as he ran behind him. "No! The Northern Lights. I showed Jenna how to make Northern Lights with bottle pieces! That means we made it!! " Balto said making the others run even faster, the tiredness from before vanishing, excitement filling that hole instead. Balto started howling rapidly and the others followed along.

Jenna's and Steele's ears perked up. "Howling.... BALTO! " Steele stood up as fast as he could and started to bark rapidly, soon Jenna doing the same. Lights in the houses started to turn on rapidly and the owners of the houses started walking out, wondering what the commotion was all about. Steele's owner came out and Steele grabbed his sleeve with his teeth and dragged him to where the howling was heard. "Easy boy! What's the rush?! " He said, he looked towards the howling and squinted his eyes.

"Oh my-- It's Balto! He yelled, soon everyone started to crowd around. Balto and the others reached them. Balto dropped to the ground, soon the people gasped. Steele's owner quickly grabbed Y/n who continued to be passed out. Steele's eyes widened and he started to whimper. " We need a doctor! " He yelled as he pushed through the crowd. "We need one quickly! We're about to lose her! " He yelled. Someone soon came and rushed off to the building.

Tears ran down Steele's face as he followed behind the whole time. But there was a point where he wasn't allowed to enter the room, worried he would be in the way of saving her. Steele sat outside the door the whole time, never moving. Balto walked up to him, " I hope she's going to be okay.... " He said, sitting next to him. Steele nodded as he continued to stare at the door. Jenna then came, sitting at the opposite side of Steele, looking over at Balto who was already looking at her.

"Thank you. " A raspy voice said. Balto and Jenna's eyes widened. "You've never have said... " Balto continued to look surprised. "Thank you for bringing her back... " He said, his eyes never moving from the door. Balto nodded, looking back at the door. Jenna stood, catching Balto's attention. She signaled him to follow her outside, which he did. Once they reached outside, she nuzzled his fur, him doing the same to her. "You really are a hero Balto, always remember that. " She said, staring deep into his eyes. He gave her a small smile. "That's the first time he has talked in days... " She said sadly, Balto looked back into the building, seeing Steele continue to sit at the door.

"This has been tough on everyone.... But the most for him. " Balto said, having a sad look in his eyes. Soon Scar walked up to Balto and Jenna, clearing his throat. Balto looked at him, " .... Thanks kid... " He hesitated to say, " Of you never came we would have gotten lost.... " Another voice said. Jenna and Balto turned to see who it was, " Laura... " Balto said, Jenna looked at Balto, then back at Laura. "Thank you again. If it wasn't for you, we would have never returned home... " She looked at a certain direction, making Balto and Jenna look.

Dogs that have been with Scar and Laura jumped happily on their owners that they haven't seen in years. Their tails wagging happily as their owners laughed. Balto and Jenna smiled.

The door finally opened, making Steele jump up on his feet. Steele's owner held the door open for him to walk in. Steele quickly walked in, he looked to see a monitor attached to her, showing her heartbeats. (Please just GO with it! Please and thank you!) Steele hoped on two paws and laid his head on her shoulder area, whimpering softly. Steele's owner patted him head, " Steele is allowed to stay if he liked. " The doc said as he put away the equipment. Steele's owner nodded, "Thank you sir. " The other nodded, " Be safe out there. " "You too."Steele looked at his beloved,

" I love you... "

Don't worry it's not over, there's more, I think... Anyway sorry for not writing for a very long time. Honestly if it wasn't for you peeps, I might have not published, but here I am my loves! I love your comments! So please don't be afraid to comment! And if you had a reaction of me posting, please post how you reacted. Don't be afraid to comment anything, UNLESS IT'S BAD! I did not proof read this, sorry I hope you liked it and enjoyed it. If you excuse me, it is 4:40 and I have to wake up at 7. LOVE YOU ALL BYEEEEEEEE💜💜

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