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Today is the day Y/n would join the sled dogs and she was excited. She wore a proud smile on her face, ready to go and be part of the team. Steel jog up next to her, " You think of joining again?" She said looking at him. "Yes, but I don't know if you can handle how I act, plus we won't be near each other. " He said with a smirk, " I can handle you. Plus, I can used a break away from you. " Y/n said with a bigger smirk, walking ahead. Steele froze, " What--" " I was just kidding Steele, I just hope you can survive without me! " Y/n said laughing a little, Steele rolled his eyes. " I think I'll do just fine without you. " Y/n  rolled her eyes. "Alright then, don't come running or walking to me. " Y/n said, shrugging little and running off. Steele rolled his eyes and scoffed a little before chasing behind her. Soon after a long walk, they have finally reached the opening, where many dogs barked and running around.

"Welp, see you later. " Y/n said as she ran down. As she walked past the male dogs, their attention drifted to her, their ears up and tails waging. They started to whisper among themselves before a random dog had the courage to walk up to her. "Hey pretty thing like you doing here? "He said smirking. Y/n smirked and played along. " Oh you know~" She stepped close to him, " Beating you. " She said seriously before shoving his face into the snow, making everyone laugh. Steele smirked in the distance before going down. "Look! It's Steele! " Star said pointing, making all the dogs look at him. "Hey welcome back Steele! " Nikki said as he walked next to him. Steele chuckled, " Of course, who wouldn't want me back? " He said smirking more before walking ahead. Nikki winced behind him, " This ain't going to be good... " He said as Star and Kaltag walked up to him. Dogs would move out of the way for Steele. Y/n rolled her eyes, " Show off. " She said as she continued to walk ahead. She looked around and a saw Bruce, " Hey Bruce! " Y/n said as she walked towards him. " Ahh, flore! How are you?" He said, turning towards her." I'm doing good! Are you joining the sled team?" " I was hoping to be a police dog, so this will be more like extra training, " Y/n gave him a confused look, but nodded. " I see. Well I'll be on my way! " Y/n said as she started to look around to see if she recognized anyone else. She noticed a group of dogs which she actually knew, she smirked and walked towards them.

"Well look at what we have here! " She said smirking. The three turned towards her, " Well what do you know!? " Nikki said smirking, " It's N/n." Star said happily, " Been awhile! " Kaltag said smirking. " Yup, how have three been? " She said sitting. " Good, how have you been with, " Nikki smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. Y/n laughed, making other dogs stare, " Things been fine. " She said as she hit Nikki with some snow. " Well well well. " Y/n turned to see Balto. "If it ain't my brother from another family! " Y/n said laughing as she got a confused look from Balto. "Uhh yeah... Sure... " He said smiling a little. Balto sat next to the group and they all have a conversation.

The female dogs that like to watch were watching the groups. "It's not far! She is hanging out with Steele's group and Balto! She knows who Bruce is! " Said one of the female dogs said angrily. " What's next!? She knows the other new dog Scott?! " Said another one angrily. Suddenly Scott popped out of nowhere. "Hey babe~" Scott said behind Y/n, making her roll her eyes and throw snow at his face. "Get lost Scott." Scott smirked more, " No, plus Steele can't do anything when surrounded by girls and trying to keep a reputation. "  That's when a shadow towards over Scott, " Who said I was trying to keep mine. " Steele growled out behind Scott. " I've messed up in the past, but I'm not messing up again. " Steele said, growling more, making Scott growl back. "Well, you don't deserve to be with someone like her! " "Alright! Ladies! Ladies! Let's back up and calm down. " Y/n said, standing in between the two. "Scott, I don't like you. Give up. And get near Steele again and you will look like a hairless cat. " Y/n said with a fake smile, but angry flaring in her eyes. Steele stood in front of Y/n, making her stand back. "Alright, alright, let's go. " He said, making the other dogs around them surprised. Steele snapped his jaw at Scott before walking off with Steele. The female dogs got more mad, " Are you serious!? " They said angrily. "She's so lucky!! " Said one of the angrily, stomping their paw.

"You know, I don't care if people see me with you, I'd prefer if you weren't swarmed by female dogs who are needy. " Y/n said as she looked around. Steele smirked, " Welp, that's new. " "So." Steele continued to smirk, " Your jealous. " "Yeah and I bet I can make you jealous. " Y/n said smirking. " Oh really? " Steele said, raising a brow. "Yup! " "Alright, try it. " She smirked, " Alright! " Her smirk became wider as she started to head to Scott's direction. "Nope nope nope nope. " Steele yes as he jumps in front of her, " What? Jealous? " "Nope, just protecting you from eternal annoying-ness. " He said, rolling his eyes and walking around her.

She rolled her eyes back, " Whatever. " She said walking ahead. " Good luck without me Steele, because I ain't going to be with you. I'm going to reach my goal. " Y/n said as Balto ordered every dog to be ready to start training and the challenges. Steele frowned a tiny bit before going back to normal. "Let's do this. "

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