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Balto pushed through the blizzard. It was freezing, but it didn't stop him from doing what's right. He didn't want to let the others down, he honestly didn't like seeing people sad, so he did what he thought would be right. Balto lifted his snout into the air, sniffing the air, trying to get the scent, only for snow to go up his nose. " ACHOOOO!! " "Bless you. " " Thank you. " Balto said before realizing what just happened. "What the--" Balto turned to see a white wolf towering over him. "It's you again.... " The wolf only stared. "Do you think you can help me out? " The wolf stared a little longer before turning her head to a different direction. Balto looked the same direction when Y/n scent filled his nose, mixed with another scent.

"Blood.... Y/N! " He quickly ran the direction and the White wolf vanished. Balto continued to rush towards the direction. He squinted through the snow. Soon he saw a figure in the distance, making quickly rush towards it. Suddenly more then one figure appeared, making him stop. The figures seemed to be moving closer to him, but he continued to stand in place, standing his ground.

".... Dogs? " Balto said as the group of dogs stood in front of him. The leader towered over Balto. Balto examined the dog before realizing that Y/n was on his back, " Y/n! " He yelled out, moving close to her, only to get a growl. "Speak your name. " The leader growled, showing his teeth as he moved close to Balto's face. "I'm Balto now who are you!? " Balto said as he growled back at the dog. "Simba, but you can call me Scar. " He said as he showed Balto the large scar that went across from his ear, down over his eye and onto his jaw. " what's a kid like you doing out here in a blizzard? " Said the dog, passing Balto. "I was trying to find her and bring her home. " Balto said, turning and walking with the dog. Scar eyed him, before signalling the dogs to follow. "She promised us to get back home, but she's been losing a lot of blood these past few weeks." They all continued to pushed through the blizzard, Balto sniffed the air, leading the way, " But I'm afraid that if we don't make it back soon, she will sadly die. " Scar said as he felt more cold as more blood soaked his fur. " I'm surprised she even lasted weeks bleeding..." "Well then we better hurry and get us all back. I'll lead us. " Scar stood silent before nodding, " The lead the way. " Balto quickly rushed forward.

"Steele... " Steele turned around and saw Y/n, smiling brightly at him. "Y/n!! " Steele ran to her. They rubbed each others fur, " I'm missed you. " Steele said sadly. "Steele......... Why did you save me... " Steele froze, opening his eyes. "What...? " Steele pulled away, eyes widening. "Why did you save me. " (image up top if you can see it, if not pls tell me.)

Steele woke up, panting heavily. Sitting up and looking around. He let out a sigh before a whimper accidentally left his throat, surprising himself before he laid down. He missed her and he knew it. He loved her and he knew it. She is his world and he knew it. He imagined his future differently, he imagine he would have been with Jenna, leader of the sled dogs, have pups and live his life the way he wanted it. Until he met Y/n and his world completely changed and turned into an adventure. He changed her world and she changed his.

Steele quickly got up and went to the closed door. Jumping up and using his paw to open the door. He reached the knob, only to turn it and for it to not open. "Oh come on! Please open!! " Steele continued, scratching at the door. Steele's owner woke up to the sound of whining and clawing. Steele's owner grabbed the lantern and walked towards the living room, soon stumbling upon Steele at the door, trying to open it.

"Steele." His owner said, making Steele freeze. His owner let out a sigh, " You know you can't go out there. There blizzards and she might be as good as gone... I'm sorry, but we can't do anything. " Steele's heart ripped into pieces, this was too much for him to handle. He couldn't believe it, the truth really had hit him. Steele soon lifted his head and started to howl. "Steele... Stop... " His owner said, walking towards him. That didn't stop him from howling. Steele only howled louder, making his owner walk closer, trying to get him to stop.

Suddenly another howl was heard and more continued to be heard. Every dog understood the pain Steele went through. Grieving with him also missing Y/n. Lights in the neighborhood started to turn on as owners of their dogs howled. Soon northern lights brighted in the sky, making kids look out the windows and point excitedly at the sky.

Balto dropped on the snow, panting tiredly. The group ran halfway and Balto was already at his breaking point. Scar stood next to him. "Come on, the long we wait, the shorter her life spam is. " Scar said as he walked ahead, the group of other dogs followed behind. Balto huff, " We're not going to be able to make it, we all need to rest. " " No we do--" "Look around you! " Balto growled out. Scar looked around to see the others hunched over. " He's right yah now. " " Laura... " A dog walked up to him, her fur fully white with bright blue piercing eyes. She sat down and her eyes made contact with Balto. "We will continue the trip tomorrow before Sunrise. " She said out loud, the animals relaxed. Laura passed Balto and his eyes widened, 'She a wolf..... '

There you go my loves💜💜 Another chapter for you all lovelies! Love reading y'alls comments thank you for the support 💜💜thank you! Love y'all and see you next time! 💜💜😂 also I did not proof read😂

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