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I do NOT own Balto.

Time skip to when Balto finds Steele and the others, they fight and Steele ends up leaving them, then trying to sabotage Balto and the team.

"Ha! Now let's see how he gets back! " Steele said as he continued to scratch the trees. "How about here! Oh and here! " He said as he continued. "Steele." He quickly turned, but saw nothing. "Who's there!? " He said in panic. "Steele, You should know better. " He turned again and saw Y/n. "Y/n? " Y/n glared a little. "You choose your pride over little kids dying? That's really messed up. " Y/n said, stepping closer to him. "How did you find me? " He said stepping back. "I followed your scent. It was easy to follow when your half wolf. " She said as she continued to get closer. Steele glared, " So your half wolf? Like Balto? " Steele glared at her. " I'm the only dog that will ever love you, you know that right. " His eyes widened and he scoffed. "You? " He laughed, " I don't even know you. " He said looking away.

"You can come find me when you realized what you have done. " And with that, she vanished. Steele stood silent, " Ha! Must have been me hallucinating..... But why her.... " Steele continued to run off. He kept running through the night and he made it to a lake that was cracking. He walked acrossed it. "I'm close! " Before he could take a step he was shoved aside. "Who did that! " "Watch your step. " He looked to see Y/n over him. " You can get hurt. " She said, finally looking at him. They stared at each other before she finally got off of him.

Suddenly the bear that attacked Balto and the group burst out of the lake with a roar. Y/n and Steele's eyes widened and jumped out of the way. The bear swung at Steele, but he quickly dodged. The bear continued to attack Steele and Y/n bit his leg, making the bear roar again. Y/n didn't see the bears paw come swinging down. "Gah! " The bear scratched deep into Y/n side, she yelped in pain before stumbling across the snow. Steele looked at her wide eyed, Steele barked and bit the bear. The bear roared and tried to hot Steele again, but he dodged it.

Y/n stood up, she ignored the pain and ran towards the bear at full speed. She tackled the bear, and due to the speed she ran, she was able to get the bear to fall into the lake once again, but not without falling in and getting a scratch from it. "Y/n! " Steele ran and jumped into the lake. He swam untill he grab her by the collar and pulled her out of the water. He pressed hard against her back, making the water come out and she coughed. She started to shake, "ha, thanks. " She said shaking at the cold, her left eye with a scar, but thank goodness it didn't blind her.

Steele scoffed, " Whatever, let's go. " She tried standing up, only to collapse. "Just go on ahead, only holding you back from your 'glory. '" She said as she continued to shake and bleed. "I'm going to die out here anyway. " She said as she hissed at the deep wound on her side. Steele stared at her before he let out a groan. He went around and was able to find cloth that was just there recently. "Probably from hunters... " He told himself as he pulled it off the tree and ran back to Y/n. She was still shaking from the cold and her eyes were almost closing.

He quickly wrapped the cloth around her side to stop the reading. Y/n laughed a little, " What are you laughing at? " Steele growled out as he shook of the water he had. "Thanks." She said, smiling at him. Steele stared at her once again before scoffing. "Whatever." He said before laying onto of her. "What are you doing? " "Warming us up and so we can leave quickly. " He said, placing his head on hers. Y/n heart beated faster. She hoped and prayed that he could not feel it. On the other hand, Steele was wondering why he was even doing this and why his heart was beating faster then a normal rate.

Steele was honestly very warm and comfortable. He would have enjoyed staying there, but you know, he didn't like Y/n,.... Did he?  He stood up, missing the warmth," Alright. Let's go. " Steele said as he started to walk ahead. Y/n stood up, wobbling a little before limping next to Steele. Along the way, he would keep glancing at Y/n, who would just continue to walk. Steele looked to the side and saw beautiful flower. He glanced at her and went to the direction of the flower, pulling it off the ground.

"Steele? What are you doing? We have to keep moving. " Y/n said standing in place, waiting for Steele. Steele walked to her and placed the flower behind her ear. "Uh--for you... " He said as he looked away. Y/n laughed a little, capturing Steele's attention. "My favorite. " She said smiling before limping ahead. Steele stood there, his heart thumping fast. He shakes his head. 'No I only love Jenna!' He told himself as he then ran to catch up to Y/n.

"Look Steele! We're here! " Y/n said as she signaled her head towards the town. Steele looked to see the town, he looked up at the night sky and saw the Northern Lights, Y/n also looked up. " Wow! It's beautiful! " She said, smiling again. Steele shook his head and forced himself to look away. "Let's go. " He said as he started to run ahead, forgetting that Y/n was hurt. She let out a sigh and walked, but she slipped and started to roll down the hill of snow, hurting herself more. She stood herself up and limped all the way, the cloth that was tied around her side flew off against the wind. The collar around her neck went loose and went flying in the wind too.

Right when she got to the street, she instantly collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss. "Someone get the vet! " A stranger on the street yelled as a crowd soon started to form around Y/n.

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